Can I Skip Moisturizer And Use Sunscreen For Oily Skin?

Can I skip moisturizer and use sunscreen for oily skin

Different types of skin need different types of skincare products. Finding the right product for oily skin types is very important. For those with oily skin getting a shine-free complexion is way too difficult while products like moisturizers, cleansers, face washes, sunscreen, etc. are available for the purpose. There is a lot of confusion regarding the products as well as the unique skincare routine of people with oily skin.

One common question of whether someone can skip moisturizer altogether and rely solely on sunscreen remains. So, Can I Skip Moisturizer And Use Sunscreen For Oily Skin? Let’s move with the solution to the puzzle behind oily skin, moisturization, and sun protection. With the knowledge of a balanced, glowing, and well-nourished complexion, this article will help you with the ideal skincare routine for oily complexion.

Explaining Moisturizer and Sunscreen

Moisturizer is a skincare product that provides skin hydration through the prevention of water loss. It has ingredients like humectants, emollients, and occlusive. The ingredients work together to lock moisture in the skin and prevent dryness and flakiness. You should apply moisturizer in the morning or at night after completing the cleaning and toning of the skin. It needs to be gently massaged on the face and neck. Choosing a moisturizer that is suitable for your skin type and deals with skin concerns like dryness, oiliness, and sensitivity as well. It is available in different product forms, such as creams, lotions, gels, oils, etc.

Sunscreen is also a skincare product that gives protection to the skin from the harmful UVA and UVB rays of the sun. These rays have the potential to cause skin damage, premature aging, as well as an increased risk of skin cancer. This product works through the absorption or reflection of UV radiation for preventing it from penetrating the skin and prevent sun damage and reducing the risk of skin cancer. You should apply sunscreen every day regardless of the weather or season. It needs to be applied generously on all exposed areas of the skin, especially the face, neck, and hands 15 minutes before going outside.

Can I Skip Moisturizer And Use Sunscreen For Oily Skin?

Can I skip moisturizer and use sunscreen for oily skin
Can I skip moisturizer and use sunscreen for oily skin

The answer to the question, “Can I Skip Moisturizer And Use Sunscreen For Oily Skin” is a bit tricky and depends on certain conditions. Let’s discuss why!

While sunscreen can provide some hydration, it’s generally not a substitute for moisturizer. Moisturizers help maintain the skin’s barrier and provide necessary hydration, which can be particularly important for oily skin to prevent the overproduction of oil. Use a water-based moisturizer containing ingredients, such as hyaluronic acid and antioxidants like vitamin B3. This type of moisturizer hydrates the skin without giving it a shiny and greasy look. Again, you should also go for non-comedogenic products which make sure that the pores do not get clogged. Your skin can become more hydrated and more protected with the use of a quality moisturizer. Properly moisturized skin preventing pores from becoming clogged stays supple and gives off a healthy glow to the skin.

The primary purpose of the sebaceous glands is to protect the skin by creating sebum. The sebaceous glands truly work overly when you wish to eliminate oil from the surface of your skin. The reason behind it is that the sebaceous glands produce excessive amounts of oil as protection against the loss of natural oil from the skin’s surface. The attempt to get rid of oil from your skin by skipping moisturizer may make it worse if you have oily skin. It might result in excessive oil production, which will only make clogged pores, frequent breakouts of acne, and whiteheads worse. So, it would be needless to skip moisturizers.

Oily skin makes people believe that skipping moisturizer and using sunscreen is all right. But following this won’t give the best results for the skin. It is a misconception that oily skin does not need enough moisturization and moisturizer can be skipped on it. So, oily skin like any other skin type requires to moisturize properly.

The use of both moisturizers and sunscreen is necessary if you want to maintain healthy skin. It is possible to skip moisturizers and use sunscreen for oily skin. The condition is to use moisturizers having SPF properties or to use sunscreen having moisturizing properties.

Factors Before Skipping Moisturizer and Using Sunscreen for Oily Skin

Factors before skipping moisturizer and using sunscreen for oily skin
Factors before skipping moisturizer and using sunscreen for oily skin

Whether you can consider skipping moisturizer and using sunscreen for oily skin depends on 2 factors. Those are briefly explained.

Skin Type

Skipping moisturizer and using sunscreen is not a good idea for all skin types. If you have oily skin, you may skip moisturizer to avoid excessive oiliness, heaviness, and greasiness. The skin may have some breakouts as a result. But, if you skip moisturizer and use sunscreen instead of it, there are chances for the skin to get harmed.

Short-Term and Long-Term Effects

There are short and long-term effects when you want to skip moisturizers and use sunscreen for oily skin. considering the short-term effects, it is okay to skip moisturizer. While if you consider the long-term effects, it is better not to skip the skincare product moisturizer.

2 Ways of Using Both Moisturizer and Sunscreen At Once

Since oily skin needs proper moisturization, use moisturizers that have SPF properties or you can use sunscreen which has moisturizing properties. Following are 2 ways of using both moisturizer and sunscreen at once by which you can maintain the health of your skin. Let’s get introduced to the ways!

1. Use Moisturizers with SPF

Using a moisturizer with SPF is a great idea for oily skin. Oily skin still needs protection from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays and using a moisturizer with built-in SPF can help you achieve both skincare goals without making your skin feel greasy or heavy. The SPF of moisturizer protects the skin from UV radiation. But, in this case, you need to choose the perfect SPF for your skin based on the weather. Products with an SPF of 30 are ideal on cloudy days, while those with an SPF of 50 or higher shield your skin from the sun’s rays. You must therefore choose moisturizers with proper SPF which is ideal for oily skin.

2. Use Sunscreens with Moisturizing Properties

Using sunscreen with moisturizing properties can be good for protecting your skin from the harmful effects of UV radiation. Due to the idea that oily skin doesn’t require moisturizing, most people prefer this option. But this is a wrong concept. For having oily skin, you might be concerned about adding excess oil to your skin by using sunscreen. However, there are sunscreens available that offer moisturizing and nourishing properties while being suitable for oily skin. As a result, being moisturized, the skin does not have to produce extra sebum. So, you need to get the right products suitable for your skin type. Apply sunscreen to the face and body before going out.

What Makes Sunscreen A Good Moisturizer for Oily Skin?

What makes sunscreen a good moisturizer for oily skin
What makes sunscreen a good moisturizer for oily skin

Sunscreen is one of the versatile skincare products which maintain the hydration of the skin ensuring its good health. There are 2 types of sunscreen, such as chemical sunscreen and physical sunscreen. The ingredients of sunscreen can play a role in helping to make it a good moisturizer. For using sunscreen as a moisturizer look for the following ingredients which influence the hydrating properties and make it a good moisturizer.

  1. Amino Acids: Amino acid is the building block that maintains the hydration and health of the skin.
  2. Glycerin: Glycerin plays a role in the prevention of moisture loss from the skin.
  3. Hyaluronic Acid: Hyaluronic acid can help to maintain plump and youthful skin.
  4. Vitamin C: Vitamin C as a powerful antioxidant helps to fight against premature aging.
  5. Vitamin E: Vitamin E is a useful ingredient that keeps the skin soft.
  6. Vitamin B5: Vitamin B5 can hydrate the skin along with softening it.
  7. Aloe Extract: Aloe vera extract has reviving and soothing properties, and relieves the skin from sunburn by calming down the skin.
  8. Glycolic Acid: The acid can play a role in your skin’s exfoliation by the removal of dead skin cells.

Possible Drawbacks of Skipping Moisturizer for Oily Skin

Possible drawbacks of skipping moisturizer for oily skin
Possible drawbacks of skipping moisturizer for oily skin

Skipping moisturizer for oily skin might seem like a logical step to reduce excess oil, but it can have several drawbacks and negative effects on your skin’s health and appearance. Following are some possible drawbacks of skipping moisturizers for oily skin.

1. Unbalanced Oil Production

Unbalanced oil production is one of the major drawbacks of skipping moisturizers. Your skin attempts to make up for the lack of moisture by the production of excessive sebum. Sebum keeps the skin moisturized and protected while too much sebum can make your skin appear shinier and greasier. So moisturizing is a need if you want to prevent the appearance of an oily T-zone.

2. Disrupt the Moisture Balance of Skin

Contrary to the belief that moisturizers cause breakouts, the right moisturizer can help maintain a healthy skin barrier and prevent breakouts. Skipping moisturizer can disrupt the skin’s natural balance and contribute to the development of acne and other blemishes. Dehydrated skin can become inflamed and red, leading to a flushed appearance. Moisturizers with soothing ingredients can help calm irritated skin.

3. Lack of Enough Hydration

Another drawback of skipping moisturizer is that your skin would lack enough hydration. The use of a moisturizer can help your skin retain moisture and reduce water loss from the skin. Your skin could eventually become dry if this barrier of protection disappears. And, dehydration can also cause several problems, including dry spots, flakiness, and a generally unattractive dull appearance. Nobody wants an overly dry complexion. For that, use a good moisturizer to keep your skin enough hydrated.

4. Increased Sensitivity and Damage

Dehydrated skin is more sensitive and prone to irritation. Without proper hydration, your skin’s natural protective barrier becomes compromised, making it more susceptible to environmental irritators and potential allergens and all these cause severe damage to the skin.

5. Premature Aging

Proper moisturization helps maintain skin elasticity and prevents premature aging by minimizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Without proper hydration, your skin might age more quickly and show signs of aging earlier.

6. Lack of Proper Skincare Absorption

When your skin lacks moisture, it might not effectively absorb other skincare products like serums and treatments. Moisturizers can help create a favorable environment for these products to work effectively.

7. Difficulty in Makeup Application

Without a smooth and well-hydrated base, makeup application can become challenging. Makeup might not adhere properly and can appear patchy on dehydrated skin. As a result, you don’t look get a flawless makeup look.

DIY Skincare Products as Both Sunscreen and Moisturizers

Some DIY skincare products can be used as both moisturizers and sunscreen. These are natural oils that have sunscreen properties which leads those to protect the skin from UV rays of the sun. Along with the sunscreen properties, the oils have moisturizing properties too which help to maintain the proper hydration of skin.

1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil gives your skin protection from harmful UV rays of the sun with a natural SPF of 4 to 7. The oil also keeps the skin hydrated and the natural barrier of the skin to retain moisture. Again, it is non-comedogenic which means that it won’t clog pores.

Coconut oil
Coconut oil

2. Avocado Oil

Avocado oil contains beta carotene, protein, fatty acids, lecithin, and vitamins A, D, and E. These help your skin not only to moisturize but also gives protection from harmful UV rays with an SPF of 15. Also, the oil is non-greasy and does not clog pores.

Avocado oil
Avocado oil

3. Olive Oil

Olive oil contains fatty acids which give protection to the skin from the UV rays of the sun with an SPF of 8. It can block almost 80-90% of the UV rays. The oil also has squalene to retain moisture and vitamin E to help the skin in the absorption of water. It also reduces signs of aging and gives damage protection.

Olive oil
Olive oil

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Additional Tips for Taking Care of Oily Skin

These are some of the additional tips for you if you have oily skin.

  1. Follow a proper cleansing routine with gentle, oil-free cleansers.
  2. Clean your face two times every day.
  3. Exfoliate carefully using gentle exfoliant ingredients, such as salicylic acid, glycolic acid, etc.
  4. Do not use hot water as it can strip away natural oil from the skin.
  5. Do not do unnecessary exfoliation of the skin.
  6. Apply a face mask 1 or 2 times a week to revive skin texture.


1. Can I mix moisturizer and sunscreen?

No. Certain characteristics of the moisturizer can make the sunscreen ingredients inactive. Take things gradually and let each of the products settle and absorb before moving on to the next to minimize the potential damage caused by the sun.

2. What happens if I apply moisturizer after sunscreen?

Applying moisturizer after sunscreen can change the characteristics of your sunscreen. It might change how UV rays strike your skin.

3. What to avoid in sunscreen for oily skin?

Beeswax, mineral oil, cocoa butter, coconut oil, silicones, etc can cause outbreaks in those with acne-prone skin. In addition to these ingredients, look for the following common offenders in your sunscreen like PABA, a chemical found in soybean oil.

4. How do I choose sunscreen for oily face?

For oily skin, zinc oxide or titanium dioxide-based sunscreens are excellent choices. These substances act as a physical barrier to reflect and scatter UV rays while resting on the skin’s surface. Again, these are less prone to irritate the skin or lead to acne.

5. Is it good to apply sunscreen every day?

Yes. It is necessary to apply sunscreen every day. Even on cloudy days, the sun’s rays can harm the skin since they are indifferent to skin tone. According to research, exposure to the sun even through a car window can increase the risk of developing skin cancer.

Final Thoughts

Moisturizers and sunscreen are two skincare products with unique roles for the skin. Moisturizers help to hydrate the skin by preventing dryness while sunscreen gives protection of skin from harmful UV rays of the sun.

Sunscreen cannot act as a substitute for moisturizer and oily skin needs enough moisturization. Getting rid of oil from the skin by skipping moisturizer would worsen the condition. So, use a water-based moisturizer for oily skin. Find the right balance between using a moisturizer and sunscreen by introducing both products into your skincare routine or using moisturizers having SPF properties or using sunscreen that has moisturizing properties. DIY skincare products including natural oils like coconut oil, olive oil, and avocado oil are also good for the skin and can act as both sunscreen and moisturizer. Now, you have come to know whether to skip moisturizer from your skincare routine or rely on the protective power of sunscreen.

Key Points

  • Moisturizer is a skincare product that provides skin hydration through the prevention of water loss. While sunscreen is a skincare product that gives protection to the skin from the harmful UVA and UVB rays of the sun. This product works through the absorption or reflection of UV radiation for preventing it to penetrate the skin.
  • While sunscreen can provide some hydration, it’s generally not a substitute for moisturizer.
  • You can skip moisturizers and use sunscreen if you have oily skin. For that, use moisturizers having SPF properties or use sunscreen having moisturizing properties.
  • Skipping moisturizer and using sunscreen for oily skin depends on skin type and short-term and long-term effects. For oily skin, skipping moisturizer may prevent excessive oiliness, and using sunscreen may cause harm. Considering short-term effects, it’s okay to skip moisturizer, but long-term effects suggest not to skip it.
  • The ingredients of sunscreen like amino acids, glycerine, hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, etc can play a role in helping to make it a good moisturizer.
  • Skipping moisturizers for oily skin can have drawbacks like imbalanced oil production, disrupting the skin’s natural moisture balance, lack of adequate hydration, increased sensitivity and damage, premature aging, poor skincare absorption, and difficulty in makeup application.

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