Should I Braid My Sisterlocks Every Night?

Should I braid my sisterlocks every night

Hair is an important part of our body that can be styled in many ways. Nowadays, hairs are styled in many ways. People want to experience their hair with different colors, designs, and shapes. As a result, they cut their hair in different styles, dye their hair, take hair treatments, use different hair care products, and also use different instruments to style their hair. Braid is also a common hairstyle that combines three or more strands of hair. Sisterlocks are tiny dreadlocks that can also be braided. Braided hairstyle provides so many styling options to their people with sisterlocks and also makes them manageable.

So, should I braid my sisterlocks every night? Braiding can be healthy for your sisterlocks. You can braid your sisterlocks to make them more manageable and structured. But, braiding your sisterlocks frequently may result in hair damage or breakage. Besides, some people’s hair is not convenient for braiding. So, know your hair type and texture before deciding to braid your sisterlocks. In this article, we’ve shared some advantages and disadvantages of banning your sisterlocks. This may help you to decide on your hairstyle when you are already having your sisterlocks.

What are Sisterlocks?

Sisterlocks is a unique hairstyle that consists of some small dreadlocks. Sisterlocks are made by using a tool that builds the locks from the ends of hair to the root. When creating sisterlocks, you may not require hair styling products like waxes, oils or gels, etc. This is a natural hair-locking system in which the dreadlocks are more small, uniform, and precise. Sisterlocks require low maintenance among people who have curly or textured hair.

Dr. Joann Cornwell first created the sisterlocks hairstyle in 1993. Without using chemicals or extensions, she wanted to create natural locks. For installing the sisterlocks, the consultant uses an interlocking tool. This involves a crochet hook and helps the consultant create some uniform locks. This is a protective hairstyle that retains the texture of the hair and gives the hair a break from heat. Sisterlocks also help to keep the hair small, flexible, and easy to style.

How Sisterlocks are Different from Traditional Locks?

How sisterlocks are different from traditional locks
How sisterlocks are different from traditional locks

Sisterlocks are locks that contain thinner, small, and rope-like hair. Locks are a very common and protective hairstyle used to interlock, palm roll, or braid. Sisterlocks, on the other hand, is an interlocking tool that uses a grid pattern to create the locks. When creating sisterlocks, your hair stylist will start at the end and move upward to the scalp. Sisterlocks contain smaller sections of hair compared to traditional locks. Sisterlocks are more structured and flexible with so many styling options.

Traditional lock requires less time to install the hairs. It involves using products like wax or balm that help to twist or palm the hair. The traditional locks come in different sizes and are heavier and larger than the sisterlocks. Sisterlocks, on the other hand only require shampoo. Sisterlocks should be regularly washed and maintained.

Should I Braid My Sisterlocks Every Night?

Should I braid my sisterlocks every night
Should I braid my sisterlocks every night

Sisterlocks is a hairstyle that can be easily maintained. It is not important to braid your sisterlocks every night. You may braid them for better maintenance but it is not necessary. You may braid your sisterlocks but be careful of the maintenance as tight or strong braids may lead to breakage or damage.

Before braiding your sisterlocks, take suggestions from your hair stylists. Because this also depends on the hair texture, hair type, length, scalp sensitivity, hair care routine, and others. In the nighttime, your locks need some extra care. For example- you can put the sisterlocks into a pineapple style or you may simply wrap your hair. So, braiding is not the only option one can choose to maintain their sisterlocks at night. Some other alternatives can be used also to maintain your sisterlocks at night.

Why Should Braid Sisterlocks Every Night?

Why should braid sisterlocks every night
Why should braid sisterlocks every night

There are some benefits you may find after braiding your sisterlocks every night. The benefit includes:

  1. Protective Styling Benefits: Braiding your sisterlocks provide a protective barrier to your locks. It prevents the locks from rubbing against each other and protects the hairs during sleep. This is how your sisterlocks will be free from any breakage or damage.
  2. Preserving Curl Definition: Sisterlocks are very convenient for people with curly hair. This is very suitable for them and helps to maintain their curls. When you braid the sisterlocks with curls, the curls will be more defined and protected than ever.
  3. Reducing Frizz and Split Ends: Braiding helps to minimize frizz and split ends. In the case of sisterlocks, braiding can maintain healthy hair and provide you with better sisterlocks. Frizz and split ends are very common problems with locks. When you braid your sisterlocks, it will prevent frizzing and split ends.
  4. Hair Growth and Length Retention: Braiding hairstyle is very effective to maintain healthy hair including locks. When you braid your sister’s locks, it minimizes tangling and knotting and helps increase the length of your sisterlocks.

Disadvantages of Braiding Sisterlocks

Braiding sisterlocks hairstyles can also bring disadvantages for some people. This may not bring good results to all the people. The disadvantages of braiding your sisterlocks are as follows;

  1. Tension on Hair and Scalp: If you braid your hair too frequently or tightly, it can cause tension in your hair that may result in hair breakage and damage. This can also cause long-lasting damage to your hair and scalp. Too tight braids can cause discomfort and irritation that further leads to scalp damage.
  2. Potential for Breakage: Braided hairs become more vulnerable than others to break. Especially, when it is about braiding your sisterlocks, the locks get too prone to breakage and damage. In that case, braiding should be avoided.
  3. Allergic Reactions: People who have sensitive skin may face severe skin problems after braiding their sisterlocks. This may lead to skin irritation or scalp irritation. So, people with sensitive skin should avoid braiding their sisterlocks to avoid unwanted circumstances.
  4. Effects on Hair Texture and Health: Continuous braiding can weaken the sisterlocks over time and can affect your hair texture. The natural texture and appearance of your sisterlocks may be affected and this will hamper the overall health of your sisterlocks.


1. How do I keep my Sisterlocks healthy?

Though sisterlocks are so easy to manage, you require a gentle shampoo to wash your hair every 1 to 2 weeks.  You can also use a silk pillowcase to cover your braids while sleeping.

2. How often to moisturize Sisterlocks?

Moisturizing is very important to keep any locks healthy. Your locks may easily get dry. So, use a moisturizing spray to keep your sisterlocks hydrated and manageable.

3. Should I oil my locks every day?

It is not needed to oil or moisture your locks every single day. Oil your locks only when it requires. When you feel your locks are getting dry or brittle, oil your locks to maintain them.

Final Thoughts

Sisterlocks are small-sized locks that require interlocking tools to lock the hair. This is a common protective hairstyle that helps make the hair manageable. Sisterlocks are very flexible and easy to style. Many people braid the sisterlocks to protect the hair and make them more manageable. This also allows one to style the hair in versatile ways. Braiding comes with so many advantages and disadvantages, especially in sisterlocks. Braiding may help the locks to style uniquely. This protects the hair when sleeping and preserve the curl definition. This may not be suitable for all hair types and textures. Some may face allergic reactions, hair breakage, scalp damage, etc. in their hair. So, choose a braided hairstyle for your sisterlocks based on your hair texture, hair type, and overall health of your hair.

Key Points

  • Sisterlocks are tiny locks that involve a crochet hook and help the consultant create some uniform locks.
  • There are smaller sections of hair in sisterlocks compared to the other traditional locks.
  • Sisterlocks provide so many styling options. So, you can style your hair differently with sisterlocks.
  • Braided sisterlocks come with some benefits like protective style, curl definition, reduced frizz, length retention, and so on.
  • The disadvantages of braided sisterlocks include hair breakage, allergic reactions, tension on hair and scalp, and effects on the hair scalp.
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