Can I Use Paula’s Choice BHA With Vitamin C?

Can I use paula's choice bha with vitamin c

The role of skincare is vast for keeping it glowing in good condition. Sometimes it feels like a complex puzzle, with a different product or ingredient. There are a lot of options for skincare where Paula’s Choice BHA (Beta Hydroxy Acid) and Vitamin C have gained huge popularity. Paula’s Choice BHA is popular for its ability to exfoliate and unclog pores, standing as the center of attraction in many skincare routines. And Vitamin C is popular for its antioxidant and brightening properties which give a youthful radiance to the skin.

Some amazing combinations of skincare products help to achieve flawless skin. For that, many people want to use Paula’s Choice BHA with Vitamin C in their skincare and demand a flawless complexion. But the question remains: Can I Use Paula’s Choice BHA With Vitamin C? This article will let you know deeply about Paula’s Choice BHA and Vitamin C. Let’s find out whether or not these two can be incorporated into a single skincare routine!

Introducing BHA and Vitamin C

BHA stands for beta hydroxy acid, and it refers to a specific type of exfoliating acid called salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is a well-known skincare ingredient that belongs to the beta-hydroxy acid family. The acids take part in the exfoliation of the surface layer of the skin and also within the deep layers inside the pores. Being a strong ingredient, it is not generally used on dry skin type as sensitivity is very common for dry skin.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is one of the most powerful antioxidants which brighten up the skin and fade dark spots. It gives protection to the skin from premature aging with the neutralization of free radicals. By normalizing the production of collagen as well as blocking the formation of excess melanin, vitamin C can work to repair existing damage to the skin. It can give protection to your skin from environmental damage.

The popular paula's choice BHA
The popular paula’s choice BHA

Paula’s Choice BHA is a skincare product offered by the brand Paula’s Choice. It is called “Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant”. Paula’s Choice BHA is formulated to be gentle and suitable for a range of skin types. Regular use of the product can lead to smoother skin texture and a more even complexion. By removing dead skin cells and promoting cell turnover, it can help with issues like roughness, fine lines, and dullness. Again, by keeping pores clear and minimizing their appearance, Paula’s Choice BHA can give the skin a smoother and more refined appearance.

Can I Use Paula’s Choice BHA with Vitamin C?

Acids do not destabilize Vitamin C. Rather the strength of vitamin C can be increased by acids. You can use acids along with vitamin C if your skin can endure those. So, the answer to the question, “Can I Use Paula’s Choice BHA With Vitamin C” is yes. It is possible to use Paula’s Choice BHA in combination with Vitamin C in your skincare routine. This combination helps to exfoliate the skin properly, brighten up the complexion, and also works as a defense against free radical damage. There are 4 different ways to use Paula’s Choice BHA with Vitamin C. Let’s discuss those in detail!

1. Layering together

Antioxidants help the skin to prepare so that active compounds like vitamin C can get absorbed much more effectively. Removing the barrier-forming dead cells can increase the penetration rate. By reducing pH, BHAs make the skin more acidic. Studies found that L-ascorbic acid, the active form of vitamin C, absorbs best at a relatively lower pH. An acid might produce the ideal conditions for vitamin C to work. Just be aware of the pH levels of the skincare products.

For layering together, apply Paula’s Choice BHA first. The reason why you need to apply it first is that BHA is an exfoliant and it’s not a good idea to apply your vitamin C serum and then quickly remove it with your BHA. At high doses, both ingredients have the potential to cause sensitivity. If you’re using a strong BHA product, be sure it has a neutralizing step that allows it to turn off the acids to reduce the chance of discomfort.

Layering together
Layering together

2. Using separately

To minimize the risk of inflammation, apply your BHAs and vitamin C at different times of the day. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and protects against free radicals, therefore it makes sense to take it before being exposed to the free most radicals during the course of the day. Supplementing your top layer of SPF with vitamin C supplements can increase your level of sun protection. After that, you can include your BHA skincare routine in your nighttime routine.

Some people prefer using Vitamin C in the morning due to its antioxidant properties that can help protect the skin from environmental damage and Paula’s Choice BHA in the evening to help with exfoliation and unclogging pores. While you can also do the opposite. You must be careful while using Paula’s Choice BHA or high-concentrate vitamin C for exfoliation. Use one in the morning and the other in the evening for a quicker result.

Using separately
Using separately

3. Using on Alternate Days

Another simple way is to alternate using vitamin C serum with Paula’s Choice BHA at the same time of day. You may, for instance, use vitamin C one morning and Paula’s Choice BHA the next.

You could also apply BHA one night and vitamin C the next. One benefit of using the two products in this way is that you’re going slowly, allowing your skin to adjust to the two active ingredients. If you have sensitive skin and can’t tolerate the application of acid exfoliants daily, it’s also a great choice. This approach can leave you with amazing outcomes.

Using on alternate days
Using on alternate days

4. Using in A Gap of 30 Minutes

The last way is to use Paula’s Choice BHA and your vitamin C serum maintaining a gap of 30 minutes. Any time you use skincare products with a pH gap greater than or equal to roughly 1.0 to 2.0, you can choose this approach. The same is true for formulas of vitamin C that lack any pH level and are anhydrous which means water-free. The transformation of vitamin C compounds into active vitamin C may be improved by skin acidification. Here’s another thing that you can think about.

The vitamin C derivative is likely to dilute or elevate the pH of the acid if you put one directly on top of the other, which will decrease its strength. According to one study, the skin absorbs less when the pH is higher. So, include a waiting period to give your acid exfoliant like Paula’s Choice BHA some time to work before applying your vitamin C derivative on top if getting the most out of it is what you want.

Using in a gap of 30 minutes
Using in a gap of 30 minutes

6 Factors for Using Paula’s Choice BHA with Vitamin C

Factors for using paula's choice BHA with vitamin c
Factors for using paula’s choice BHA with vitamin c

Paula’s Choice BHA and Vitamin C can help your skin to improve a lot if these are properly used. While considering the following 6 factors helps to minimize any possible side effects and ensure it works more effectively.

1. pH Levels

At a certain pH level, some skincare ingredients work best. For example, compared to BHAs, retinol performs better with vitamin C at higher pH levels. So, if you want to prevent disruption of the pH balance of the skin, it is necessary to apply products with various pH levels in the proper order. Paula’s Choice BHA performs best at a low pH while Vitamin C needs a little bit of a higher pH to be effective.

2. Sensitivity

Some people are likely more sensitive than others to certain ingredients. Always perform a patch test before introducing any new skincare product into your routine. Apply Paula’s Choice BHA and Vitamin C sparingly to a very small area of the skin and check for unwanted reactions.

3. Way of Starting Application

You also need to consider the way of starting the application of the skincare products. It is suggested to start slowly and carefully and increase usage gradually if you’re new to using Paula’s Choice BHA and Vitamin C. This reduces the possibility of irritation while allowing your skin to adjust.

4. Compatibility of Active Ingredients

Some active ingredients combine and irritate, especially in people who have sensitive skin. So, before starting to use the active chemicals BHA and vitamin C you should know about the compatibility of active ingredients. For that purpose, ensure to study the ingredients so that you can predict any potential side effects.

5. Formulation

The way a skincare product is formulated may affect how well it interacts with other products. Some formulations might be more compatible than others. The specific formulation of the Paula’s Choice BHA and the vitamin C product you’re using could influence how well they work together. For example, water-based products may not combine well with those made of oil. Use your skincare products according to the recommended sequence paying close attention to the formulation.

6. Use of Moisturizer and Sunscreen

Paula’s Choice BHA and vitamin C both have the potential to result in dryness or irritation. To ensure your skin stays well-hydrated, it is necessary to use a good moisturizer to lock in moisture. To prevent UV ray damage, wear sunscreen during the day. And the approach of properly moisturizing and shielding should also be considered while using Paula’s Choice BHA with Vitamin C.

Step-By-Step Guide to Using Paula’s Choice BHA with Vitamin C

A consistent skincare routine is necessary for the good health of your skin. A combination of two skincare products might not work if proper application methods and steps are not maintained. So, you have to use Paula’s Choice BHA with Vitamin C by maintaining the step-by-step guide.

Step 1: Gently Cleanse the Skin

With the help of a gentle cleanser, cleanse your skin for removing oil, dirt, makeup, or any other residue on the skin.

Gently cleanse the skin
Gently cleanse the skin

Step 2: Apply Paula’s Choice BHA

On dry and clean skin, apply Paula’s Choice BHA. For the first-time use of the BHA product, apply it in lower concentrations which can be increased gradually as the skin copes with the product.

Apply paula's choice bha
Apply paula’s choice bha

Step 3: Apply a Toner

Next, use a hydrating toner which will help to balance the pH level of the skin and also make the skin prepared for the next steps of skincare.

Apply a toner
Apply a toner

Step 4: Apply Vitamin C

After the absorption of toner, apply Vitamin C to your skin. Let it absorb for a few minutes.

Apply vitamin c
Apply vitamin c

Step 5: Apply A Moisturizer

Finally, end the skincare routine through the application of a moisturizer which helps in maintaining the hydration and nourishment of the skin. if you want, you may also apply an eye cream or serum.

Apply a moisturizer
Apply a moisturizer

Benefits of Using Paula’s Choice BHA with Vitamin C

Using Paula’s Choice BHA and vitamin C can benefit your skin in many ways. Here are some of the benefits of using these two products together.

  1. Brightens skin: both BHA and vitamin C have brightening properties that can brighten up your skin. With an additional boost of brightness, the combination can reduce the dark spots and hyperpigmentation, and acne scars within the skin.
  2. Improves complexion: the use of Paula’s choice BHA and vitamin C can improve your skin complexion by evening out tone. So, this combination plays a role in brightening the skin tone and complexion in turn.
  3. Provides exfoliation: salicylic acid also known as BHA is an oil-soluble exfoliant having deep penetration property for which it penetrates the skin pores to clear and stop the acne and breakouts. While vitamin C also takes part in exfoliation to give a firm texture to the skin and also make the complexion bright. So, the combination will leave you with a powerful exfoliating effect for smooth and clear skin.
  4. Improves skin texture: collagen helps to keep the skin firm, and youthful. BHA helps in the absorption of collagen while vitamin C helps to stimulate the production of collagen. As a result, using Paula’s choice BHA with vitamin C gives you a firm texture of skin improving the normal texture of the skin.
  5. Gives protection against premature aging: both BHA and vitamin C can provide the skin with antioxidant protection, helping to defend against oxidative stress and free radical damage. The combination of these two ingredients can create a strong defense against premature aging and other skin problems as well.

Drawbacks of Using Paula’s Choice BHA with Vitamin C

Using Paula’s Choice BHA and vitamin C can potentially lead to some side effects and interactions. Here are some of the drawbacks of using these two products together.

  1. Disrupt the natural pH levels: vitamin C is an acidic compound while exfoliating acid BHA functions by lowering the natural ph. level of the skin. The combination of BHA and vitamin C can easily disrupt the natural pH levels of skin which results in a damaged moisture barrier and irritation as well.
  2. Cause skin irritation and inflammation: both BHA and vitamin C are active ingredients that can exfoliate and renew the skin. But vitamin C oxidizes and BHA might be irritating to your skin. So, using these two together might increase the risk of irritation, redness, or dryness, especially for people with sensitive skin.
  3. Cause over-exfoliation: using both salicylic acid and vitamin C on the same day might increase the risk of over-exfoliation. Over-exfoliation can lead to compromised skin barrier function, redness, and increased sensitivity. Consider using these on alternate days or at different times of the day to give your skin time to recover.
  4. Increase sun sensitivity: both salicylic acid and vitamin C can increase skin’s sensitivity to the sun. Using these together might increase this effect more, making it essential to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen during the day to protect your skin from UV damage.

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Tips for Using Paula’s Choice BHA with Vitamin C

Follow these tips for going to use Paula’s Choice BHA with Vitamin C.

  1. Use the combination once or twice per week at first and then gradually increase the rate.
  2. You need to give enough time between applications of the products for the pH levels of the skin to rebalance.
  3. Use a gentle cleanser, toner, and moisturizer that suits your skin type.
  4. Before starting to use the products in your routine, always perform a patch test.


1. Can I use Paula’s Choice BHA with niacinamide?

Yes. Niacinamide and BHA can be used together in the same skincare routine. While for best effects, you have to layer those as distinct steps rather than combining the formulas.

2. Can you use vitamin C with retinol?

Yes. You can use Vitamin C with retinol. Vitamin C needs a lower to no pH for staying stable. While retinol works well in an acidic environment. The natural pH level of the skin is acidic. As a result, the use of vitamin C in combination with retinol won’t create any problems.

3. Can I use Paula’s Choice BHA with hyaluronic acid?

Yes. The combination is a perfect one. Having acid in the name of hyaluronic acid is a little deceptive because hyaluronic acid doesn’t work like an AHA or BHA and it doesn’t clear your skin. Rather it is incredibly nourishing and moisturizing. So, applying hyaluronic acid after any exfoliating acids works well.

4. Do you use Paula’s Choice BHA exfoliant before or after retinol?

You can apply hydroxy acids and retinol one after the other if you have the time. Apply the retinol product 30 minutes after using the BHA exfoliant to give your skin’s pH a chance to restore to normal.

5. Do I need to refrigerate Paula’s Choice Vitamin C?

Skincare formulas help to survive normal temperature variations, but not prolonged heat or cold storage. So, storing your products in the refrigerator will influence their stability and shelf life negatively, that is reduce the stability and lifespan. Also, avoid storing your skincare products in the direct rays of the sun.

Final Thoughts

The idea that acids destabilize Vitamin C is not true. Rather the strength of vitamin C can increase with acid. You can use the popular Paula’s Choice BHA with vitamin C. This combination can be very compatible with your skin. You can use the combination in different ways, such as layering together, using separately, using on alternate mornings or nights, or using in a gap of 30 minutes. For that, pay attention to pH levels, sensitivity, way of starting the application, compatibility of active ingredients, and formulation of the two skincare products. If you’re new to using Paula’s Choice BHA and Vitamin C, increase usage gradually and perform a patch test. Make sure to apply these products at the right time and order maintaining the step-by-step guide so that the combination work effectively.

Key Points

  • BHA or beta hydroxy acid exfoliates the surface layer of the skin and the deep layers inside the pores. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid being a powerful antioxidant brighten up the skin, fades dark spots, and repairs existing damage to the skin. Paula’s Choice BHA is a skincare product that is formulated to be gentle and suitable for a range of skin types.
  • You can use Paula’s Choice BHA in combination with Vitamin C in your skincare routine in different ways, such as layering together, using separately, using on alternate mornings or nights, or using in a gap of 30 minutes.
  • For layering together, apply Paula’s Choice BHA first because BHA is an exfoliant and it’s not a good idea to apply vitamin C serum and then quickly remove it with the BHA product.
  • Before starting to use the two products, consider factors like pH levels, sensitivity, way of starting the application, compatibility of active ingredients, and formulation of the two skincare products.
  • Using Paula’s Choice BHA with Vitamin C can give benefits and also have drawbacks that you need to be aware of before you start using them.

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