How Long Does It Take For Cocoa Butter To Fade Scars?

does cocoa butter help with scars
Applying cocoa butter can be beneficial for scars just like it is for the skin! It is not known whether scars respond well to this treatment.

The problems with scars is that it leaves behind a mark on your body. This can be seriously bad for your mental health as it would mean a loss of confidence on your own body. From acne scars to bigger scars like stretch marks, all of these can make you feel unconfident in yourself when it shouldn’t. There are many products on the market that are made to help with reducing the appearance of scars but they are either cost too much or use ingredients that are not good for you. There are many ingredients or a product itself that could help with scars. One such ingredient could possible help with your scars is cocoa butter!

So does cocoa butter help with scars? It is very subjective about the effectiveness of cocoa butter. While some swear by it, others are skeptical if it actually works or not. Cocoa butter is rich in a lot of helpful properties for your skin that could translate well for scars but the studies don’t really back it up. So let’s look at these properties in more details and figure out if cocoa butter can really help with scars or not!

Does Cocoa Butter Really works on Your Scars?

Does cocoa butter really works on your scars

Cocoa butter is a natural ingredient that has been used for centuries for its moisturizing and healing properties. It is believed to help reduce the appearance of scars due to its high content of antioxidants and fatty acids. However, there is little to no scientific backing to this as there has been very limited testing done for it!

One such scar that has shown some substantial results are stretch marks. Studies have shown that cocoa butter may be effective in preventing and treating stretch marks. However, there is less evidence to support its use in treating other types of scars like acne scars or scars developed after a wound. Despite this, many people swear by the benefits of cocoa butter and claim that it has helped reduce the appearance of their scars.

How cocoa butter can help with scars by reducing its appearance. It does this by moisturizing the skin and making the skin feel elastic. With this hydration and elasticity, the appearance of the scar becomes softer and thus reduced. Scars can often be dry and flaky, which can make them appear more prominent. Cocoa butter’s emollient properties can help to moisturize and soften the skin, which can make scars appear less noticeable. To add to that, cocoa butter is also rich in fatty acids that can penetrate deep into the skin to help restore its natural moisture barrier.

It may also help to reduce inflammation and promote collagen production, which can help to improve the texture and appearance of scars over time. Collagen is a protein that is essential for healthy skin and plays a key role in the healing process, especially for scars. Cocoa butter contains compounds that can help to stimulate collagen production, which can help to improve the texture and appearance of scars over time. Additionally, the high content of antioxidants in cocoa butter may help to protect the skin from damage and promote healing.

Overall, while there is limited scientific research on the effectiveness of cocoa butter in treating scars, these properties that cocoa butter has suggests that it may be beneficial for scars. As with any skincare product, it is also important to patch test the product first to ensure that you do not have any adverse reactions (we will get to why in a bit). If you are interested in trying cocoa butter for your scars, it is important to choose a high-quality product that uses natural cocoa butter or is pure cocoa butter. That way you can be sure that the cocoa butter is the only factor for your scar. Most processed cocoa butter products have reduced effectiveness because of the manufacturing process taking away its valuable nutrients responsible.

Note: If you have any recent injury or recent surgery don’t use cocoa butter on it. It will delay the healing process. Use cocoa butter only on healed scars.

How To Properly Use Cocoa Butter for Scars?

As we can see, cocoa butter has been found to be potentially effective in preventing and treating stretch marks, as well as reducing the appearance of scars.

If you are considering using cocoa butter for scars, it is important to know how to properly use it for the best results. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you use cocoa butter for scars:

How to properly use cocoa butter for scars
  1. Clean the affected area: Before applying cocoa butter, make sure the scarred area is clean and dry. Wash the area with a gentle soap and warm water, and then pat it dry with a clean towel.
  2. Soften the cocoa butter: Cocoa butter is solid at room temperature, so you may need to soften it before use. You can do this by warming a small amount of cocoa butter between your fingers or by leaving it somewhere warm for about 10 minutes to soften it.
  3. Apply a small amount of cocoa butter: Take a small amount of cocoa butter and apply it directly to the scarred area. Massage the cocoa butter into the skin using gentle circular motions until it is absorbed. Be sure not to apply too much as it can be greasy and difficult to absorb.
  4. Cover the area: What is important is to let the cocoa butter work its magic on the scar. That is why you can cover the scar that you applied the cocoa butter with a bandage, preventing it from being rubbed off from the scar and keeping it moisturized as a result.
  5. Repeat as necessary: Depending on the severity of the scar, you may need to apply cocoa butter several times a day. You can apply it up to three times a day, or as recommended by your dermatologist. The main indicator for you to reapply the cocoa butter is when the skin feels tight or too dry. Keeping the scar properly moisturized will help it heal faster.
  6. Be consistent: Using cocoa butter for scars takes time and consistency. It may take several weeks or even months of regular use to see noticeable results. Be patient and keep up with the routine.

Note: While cocoa butter may help reduce the appearance of scars, it is not a guaranteed solution for all scars. It works to soften the scar and help reduce its appearance. As such, don’t expect the scar to disappear any time soon. But if you keep it, the scar might reduce over time.

Potential Side Effects of Cocoa Butter

Some individuals may choose to avoid using products that contain cocoa butter due to reported side effects. Commonly reported side effects associated with cocoa butter use include:

Potential side effects of cocoa butter
  1. Skin irritation: Cocoa butter is a rich moisturizer, which may be too heavy for some skin types. If you have oily or acne-prone skin, using cocoa butter may clog your pores and lead to breakouts. If you experience any redness, itching, or swelling after using cocoa butter, you might be allergic to it. It is better to stop using the product and consult a dermatologist. In worse cases, this could lead to forming hives on your skin! If you have a history of allergies, it is recommended that you perform a patch test before using cocoa butter on a larger area of your skin. To do a patch test, apply a small amount of cocoa butter on your inner arm and wait for 24 hours to see if you develop any reaction.
  2. Sensitivity to fragrance: While cocoa butter smells lovely, your skin might disagree to that. Some cocoa butter products may contain added fragrance, which can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions. If you have sensitive skin, it is best to use fragrance-free cocoa butter products.
  3. Interactions with other products: Cocoa butter may interact with other skincare products or medications that you are using. This could be retinol or acne medication like Accutane. If you are using any other products or medications, it is best to consult your dermatologist before using cocoa butter.
  4. Ingestion: It might smell very tasty but it won’t react well in your stomach! While cocoa butter is safe for external use, ingestion of large amounts may cause gastrointestinal discomfort or diarrhea. Keep cocoa butter away from children and pets, and do not ingest it under any circumstances.

7 Alternatives of Cocoa Butter on Scars

While cocoa butter may not be as effective for scars, there are alternatives to it that have proven results when to comes to helping scars. So these are:

1. Shea Butter

It’s clinically proven that instead of shea butter can heal your scars quicker. It helps you in minimizing the visibility of your scars and marks. Shea butter stops the growing keloid fibroblasts (the scar-causing tissue) and helps to develop healthy new cells by replacing the damaged cells. And the healing process will make your scars look less noticeable.

2. Essential Oils

As long as you are determined to heal your scar marks, you can use essential oils on your scars. Essential oils like helichrysum oil (sunflower), lavender oil, or tea tree oil will help you to remove scars and marks from your skin. These essential oils are not going to remove your wounds permanently, but help by minimizing them or making them less visible.

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera gels also play an important role in removing your scar marks. There is little evidence about aloe vera that consider it helps you to improve your scar marks and make your skin moist for a very long time. But it is very soothing for the scar, especially for acne or burn scars so it is beneficial for those types to help reduce the inflammation and pain associated with it as well!

4. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is also known as a quick scar healer. That it helps to promote your cellular renewal and increase collagen for quick healing. Its high Omega acids will help to improve your burn scars as well. It can be highly comedogenic so be careful about the amount you are using for your scars.

5. Butter Milk

Instead of cocoa butter, you can also use butter Milk on your skin. It’s rich in lactic acids that work as a natural exfoliator on your skin. Butter milk also helps you to improve the texture and tone of your skin. You can find a little limited scientific evidence to support buttermilk on your scars, but it does leave the skin looking better which could be helpful for your scars appearance like acne scars.

6. Silicone Gel

Silicone gels can help you to remove your scars and marks. There is also some problem with using it as silicone gels will only work on your new scars and not be as effective for your older scars. Still, you can choose silicone gels to improve your wound because of its proven results. And you can see these results because After getting critical surgeries doctors also recommend using silicone gel regularly on your wounds, scars, or marks.

7. Chemical Exfoliators

In the marketplace, there are a lot of creams, serums, and masks that are now available for removing scar marks. So if you want to improve your scar marks quickly you can use these kinds of products. Some common chemical exfoliators that have been used on scar marks are glycolic acid, lactic acid, alpha-hydroxy acid, beta-hydroxy acid, trichloroacetic acid, and salicylic acid. After using these chemical exfoliators, you have to be careful because it can leave your skin sensitive to sunlight and UV rays. So it’s obvious to use sunscreen when you are out and about to help protect your skin after applying chemical exfoliators overnight.

Note: If you have an emergency to improve your scars as soon as possible then you can get help from the dermatologist. And also for sensitive skin before applying these must check if is it suitable for your skin or not.

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1. For removing scars how long cocoa butter takes?

If you use cocoa butter regularly on your scars, then it will take almost 2 weeks to show any results and a further 2 weeks to show visible results.

2. How frequently can you apply cocoa butter on your scars?

You can use cocoa butter on your scars two or three times per day. For the best result, apply gentle circular pressure on your scars, then rub them in slow motion. In each session, massage it for 10 minutes.

3. Which butter is best instead of cocoa butter?

You can use shea butter, instead of using cocoa butter on scars. It will help you to prevent the growth of scar-causing tissue called keloid fibroblasts. That will help you to remove your scar more quickly than cocoa butter does.

4. How long does it take to fade scar marks?

It’s a lengthy process to fade scar marks naturally. But if you take good care and take good care of your scars, you can see the differences in a week or two weeks. Sometimes it takes a month to years. It will depend on your scar marks and your skin types, and how long it will take to fade.

5. What is the best treatment for scars?

You can use petroleum jelly on your scar for recovery. It will keep your scar area moist and make sure to let it not become dry. It will create a shield on your scar and help you to protect your scar from getting large, itchy, or deep.

Final Thoughts

After all that is said and done, I can conclude that cocoa butter can help with scars. It keeps it moisturized at more than just the surface level of the skin and helps to soften it up and reduce its appearance. However, the reason why its effectiveness is subjective is because it will not get rid of the scar. It can help to reduce its appearance but it will take a long time of repeated use on a daily routine to get it to work. So yes, it does help to keep the scar moisturized like your skin but it will not get rid of it. There are other more well-researched ingredients on the market like shea butter that have proven effectiveness which you could try instead to better help your scars than cocoa butter.

Key Points

  • Cocoa butter is a natural ingredient that is good for moisturizing that could translate well for scars. However, there is limited research on the matter.
  • Since cocoa butter is solid at room temperature, it is important to first heat it up before applying to your scars for better effectiveness.
  • Even though it has many benefits, there are side effects associated with cocoa butter since it is very emollient and could be harmful to sensitive skin.
  • There are both homemade and chemical alternatives to cocoa butter like shea butter and silicone gel that have more proven effectiveness in reducing scars.

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