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Dry skin anywhere on the body is one of the worst things to deal with. It causes the flaky, dead skin to form and gets very itchy when you don’t deal with it. However, the place that is most often overlooked when it comes to dry skin is the dry skin on the kneecaps!The loss of moisture can be caused by a variety of factors, such as exposure to wind or cold weather, dehydration, or certain medical conditions.
When the skin on the kneecap becomes dry, it may become cracked, flaky, or irritated. In some cases, dry skin on the kneecap can also lead to pain or discomfort due to the rough patches of cracked skin! In this article, I will tell you, in detail, from my own experience, the common causes of dry skin on a kneecap and how to take care.
Rough Skin On Your Knees
The skin around your knees and elbows is made to bend and stretch along with the joints. These areas have fewer sebaceous glands than other parts of your skin as a result. The sebaceous glands are what produce oil. With the absence of oil glands around your knees, you get rough skin that makes for rough patches of skin.
The skin on your knees is also thicker than most parts of your body. This also contributes to rough skin in the knees and elbows area. That is why when there is flaky skin on your knees, it makes for itchy skin and leaves behind irritating dead skin cells over there. As it is often not a place that people look to due to not being a sensitive area, people often neglect the knees and elbows as a result. This is one of the reasons why the rough skin on dry knees is often a neglected part of body and skin care.
Causes of Dry Skin On Kneecap
The fewer sebaceous glands cause dry knees to happen more often than you think! So let’s look at some of the reasons why you get dry skin on your knees and elbows.
Dry air
Skin can be dry due to dry air. Cold temperatures and low humidity can dry out the skin. In the winter season or air conditioning can make the skin rough and dry on any part of the body. Eczema outbreaks are just one such skin condition that can occur as a result! It will reduce skin elasticity and weaken skin barrier function, causing itchy skin, flaking, tightness around the joint, and rough patches on your knees.
Dehydration can occur due to insufficient water intake, resulting in dry skin on the body and on the knees especially! Mild dehydration is observed commonly. Due to dehydration, skin is less elastic or stretchy than usual because the dead skin cells are there on the knees.
Aging factors
Skin can change with age. Various skin problems are seen due to aging. The skin is gradually thinner and loses fat, causing the formation of dry patches. Also, it takes more time to get rid of any skin problems like scratches, cuts, or bumpy skin. The skin condition on your knees becomes worse with diseases like eczema, contact dermatitis, and psoriasis which are common among older people. Even thyroid problems are prevalent in older people.
Nutritional factors
Nutrient deficiency can cause more harm. If the daily diet does not contain adequate amounts of calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K can cause skin dryness and cannot help to produce fats that are very essential for healthy skin. Vitamins and minerals are very necessary to keep the skin healthy. Essential nutritional food can cause dry or rough skin.
Smoking cigarettes is injurious to health. When inhaled, it destroys collagen and elastin. As a result, the skin loses tightness and strength and causes bumpy skin. The chemical component of cigarettes, including nicotine, not only causes wrinkles and premature aging of the skin but also causes dry patches to form. Nicotine narrows blood vessels and reduces oxygen flow causing the formation of more dead skin cells. As a result, the skin of any part of the body, including the skin of the knees, is damaged.
Alkaline soaps and surfactants can damage the surface of the skin. This is because they are harsh soaps and drying soaps that increase the pH value of the skin around the knees. The skin has a pH value of around 5.5, making it mildly acidic. So when anybody uses bathing soap or washing powder which has a higher value, the pH value rises, thereby stripping our skin of its moisture and causing bumpy skin or rough patches to form over the knees. Frequent washing can dry out the skin and make it rough and patchy. Skin conditions such as contact dermatitis, psoriasis, and eczema can cause dry skin, especially on the kneecaps .
Fish skin
Ichthyosis is a group of about 20 skin conditions that cause dryness and scaling on the skin. It is known as fish scale or fish skin disease because it looks like fish scales.
In this condition, the skin loses its protective barrier that keeps the skin’s moisture. Skin cells are formed rapidly, or old skin cells are shed slowly. This condition leads to the formation of thick, scaly skin.
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How do you get rid of dry skin on the kneecap?
To help get rid of the bumpy skin on your knees, especially during dry climate or because of a hot water shower, here are some of the best ways to take care of dry skin on your kneecaps.
Regular skin care with a moisturizer will keep you fresh. A good moisturizer will give you hydration. Protection, brightening, and anti-aging effect. Different types of moisturizers are available in the market for different skin types, which come in different textures and thicknesses. If skin becomes excessively cracked and dry even after applying regular moisturizers, consult with a dermatologist.
Choose a hydrating product such as a hydrating body lotion or one that has lactic acid from a store that is readily available and won’t feel sticky during or after use on the skin. Some steps can easily hydrate the skin, and shower with lukewarm water for only up to 10 minutes. Turn on a humidifier in winter, drink enough water every day, and eat skin-friendly foods like cucumber for hydration and a diet that is rich in fatty acids. Apply moisturizer immediately after showering.
Avoid the sun
By avoiding sun exposure on your kneecaps, you can prevent dry patches and overall dryness on your knees as a result! The knees might have thicker skin, but that does not make them any less sensitive skin to the sun! So take care to avoid sun damage that causes bumpy skin and other skin conditions.
Vitamin D deficiency can cause rough and dry skin on your kneecaps and dry elbows. That is why it is important to have enough of this vitamin to help keep your skin hydrated. Vitamin E has the ability to reach deeper layers of the skin and add moisture back to the skin cells in your knees and elbows. Vitamin C helps create a protective barrier for your skin to help not lose moisture and protect from the rough skin from the environment
Why is the skin on my knees peeling?
Due to sunburn or infection, skin peeling may occur. It may occur due to weak immunity or other diseases. Rashes, itching, dryness, and other skin problems can lead to skin peeling.
How can I soften the hard skin on my knees?
To keep skin smooth and treat rough skin around your knees, exfoliate with a moisturizing scrub in the shower. Follow with aloe vera gel or coconut oil.
Can I apply petroleum jelly to my kneecaps?
Yes! You can apply petroleum jelly. Because it’s an excellent moisturizer. You can apply it to your dry skin regularly without any hesitation.
Final words
A healthy mind in healthy skin. The problem of dry skin can appear not only on the kneecap. It can occur all over the body. This requires awareness and effective action. The nutrients needed by the skin can be obtained from daily food. If necessary, the demand can be met with supplements. So be aware of the skin, say goodbye to dryness, and be cheerful with proper skin care!
Key Points
- The rough and bumpy skin on your knees is caused because of the presence of fewer oil glands around the area.
- There are many causes for dry and rough patches on your knees, stemming from a dry climate to the use of harsh soaps.
- While skin conditions on your kneecaps might be bad, with the help of the right skincare routine and skincare products, you can restore your knees from the bumpy patches.
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