How to Strip a Perm With Egg?

how to strip a perm with egg
To strip a perm with an egg won’t be an ideal choice for your hair; instead of eggs, you can use several other remedies to get your healthy hair back permanently.

Hair is an absolute beauty, as we all know. Getting healthy and beautiful hair is everyone’s dream. By getting new designs on your hair, you can make your appearance more attractive. We all know that everyone has different types of hair; some of them have straight hair, and some of them have waved or curly hair. People love to change their hairstyles by making their hair straight, curly, or straight.

Nowadays, people love to get their hair permed. We can say that it became a beauty trend. Perming your hair means making it curl like a wave. The name perm comes from permanent hair, but it’s not permanent. It will just stay for a certain amount of time. But after getting permed, some of them thought that it didn’t suit them and they wanted to strip them. They wonder how to strip a perm with egg? The answer is you can’t strip a perm with egg, even though it sounds doable. I will be discussing why that is and what alternatives you can use instead of eggs!

Does Egg Strip a Perm

Does egg strip a perm

When it comes to stripping a perm, some say it can, and some say it can’t. But after some study on this topic, the answer I have got is:

Perming is basically a hair curling treatment that will give you a permanent-looking wave of hair for a long time. People have been getting perms on their hair for decades. They love to have curly hair. But sometimes it may happen that they didn’t get their expected look or a bad perm that they weren’t looking for. And when it comes to stripping them, people think of using eggs for their highly deep conditioning formula. Whether the perming formula can be acidic or alkaline.

It’s easy to say that egg deep conditioning formula can’t break the bond of acid and alkaline with your hair. So it’s obvious that the answer is no, eggs can’t strip a perm.

Why Doesn’t Egg Strip a Perm?

Why doesnt egg strip a perm

In this part, I will explain to you why eggs are not suitable for stripping your perm.

As we know, the perm solution can be acidic or alkaline, which helps to break the present bond of your hair. It breaks that bond, which was providing you with the texture your hair has. After breaking the bond, it creates a new bond with your hair and changes the texture of your hair. In the bonding process, your hair will get the shape you keep it. So, people who want permed hair use perm tools or perm rods to give their hair a perming effect.

After reconfiguring the bonding, it’s quite hard to break the bonds. If you want to break the bond, you just need a potential reducing agent with a pH above 9 to 5. While a week-old egg white holds a pH above 9.5 to 8, it won’t have a potential reducing agent to strip a perm. So, eggs won’t give you helpful results when stripping a perm.

8 Natural Remedies That You Can Use Instead of Eggs to Strip a Perm

To strip your perm, there are many other remedies that you can try instead of eggs. Those are:

1. Olive Oils

Olive oils are really helpful for removing perm hair. Experts say that olive oils help to relax your hair’s wavy patterns and help to straighten your hair. You can also use olive oil as a hair protective cream without any side effects whenever you are straightening your hair. To strip your perm, take the amount of olive oil that you need to cover your hair and warm it up.

Now apply the lukewarm oils to your scalp and start massaging for at least 20–30 minutes. Now comb your hair and cover it with a towel that is soaked in hot water. And steam them for about 30 minutes. Now it’s time to rinse your hair with your regular shampoo. Comb your hair again and wait for it to dry. Repeat this remedy once a day whenever your perms aren’t totally stripped.

Olive oils

2. Coconut Oils

Coconut oils are also a perfect option to remove the perm from your hair. Just like olive oil, it is high in antioxidants which can help it straighten out perm and slowly strip it away. While it might be able to completely get rid of it in one go, it will do it through continuous washing to naturally straighten out your perm. The most effective way you can use coconut oil to strip a perm is to do the same application process as olive oil but make sure that the coconut oil is applied hot so that it can easily penetrate the hair shaft. That way it can get into the cuticles and reliably remove the perm from your hair!

Coconut oils

3. Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter is a well-known hair-care element. Applying cocoa butter to your hair helps make it more flawless, silky, shiny, and smooth. After applying cocoa butter, you can smell a very sweet aroma coming from your hair, and it will be very hard for you not to touch it. Cocoa butter is a natural element that won’t cause any harm to your hair. So, you can use your hair properly to make it silky and healthy. When your hair starts becoming healthy and silky, it will start breaking its perm bond and start removing the perm effect.

You just have to melt the cocoa butter, apply it to the scalp, and massage it. After massaging, cover it with a hot, water-soaked towel. After 20 minutes, wash it with your regular shampoo and comb it. Repeat this process once a day until you get your natural hair back.

Cocoa butter

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a healthy skin and hair care element that helps to lock in the moisture of our skin and hair. When it comes to hair care, it’s very beneficial. It helps lock in the moisture in your hair by making it healthy, frizz-free, and shiny. It protects your hair from sun damage and every kind of dust to keep it healthy. It also helps to remove any kind of wave from your hair by making it smooth and silky.

To use aloe vera to strip your perm, take a little amount of warmed olive oil and mix it with aloe vera to cover your hair and scalp. If possible, add some sandalwood and rosemary oils to it. Now apply it and cover your hair with a shower cap for 10–15 minutes. Then wash it and comb your hair to make it dry quickly.

Aloe vera

5. Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is an essential source of vitamins like B and C, fiber, and minerals. The properties of coconut milk are really helpful for nourishing your hair. That’s why people use coconut milk on their hair as an alternative to eggs, and people have found that it is really helpful. It moisturizes the hair and reduces brittle, damaged, and weak hair through chemical treatments like perms.

Now take a cup of coconut milk and mix it with one lemon juice. Keep them in the refrigerator for two to three hours to set. After two to three hours, take the chilled water and apply it to your scalp, and massage. Keep it for 20–30 minutes on your hair with a shower cap. Now rinse it with shampoo and comb your hair. Apply this procedure once a day until your hair is totally nourished.

Coconut milk

6. Banana

Banana is a soothing element, as we all know. Using bananas in hair care is an old tradition. Bananas help to hydrate and moisturize your hair to make it healthy and straight. Also, the other elements in bananas help prevent dry scalp and treat itchiness.

To apply bananas to your hair to strip it, you have to make a banana mask first. To make the banana mask, you need 2 ripe bananas, 2 tablespoons of honey, olive oil, and yogurt. Now mix all of them together into a finishing paste and apply it all over your hair. Leave this on your hair for 30 minutes by covering your head with a shower cap. Now rinse your hair with shampoo and condition it to get the best result. Apply this to your hair twice a week until you are done stripping your perm.


7. Honey

Honey is a healthy element for skin care. It contains properties like nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and antibacterial elements. These elements help to moisturize your hair perfectly by reducing all of its frizz. It also helps you get rid of a perm on your hair.

To apply honey to your hair, you have to mix a cup of honey with another cup of olive oil and lemon juice. Mix them together smoothly and apply them to your scalp and hair. Keep this mask on your hair for almost 30 minutes. Now wash your hair with normal water and shampoo. Repeat this remedy three or four times a week to get the best result.


8. Baking Soda

Baking soda is also an interesting ingredient to strip the perm from your hair. It is an ideal choice to recover your hair from the perm. This has a high-reducing agent to remove the perm.

To use baking soda You have to create a paste of baking soda and water first. Now you have to apply it all over your hair to cover it with this paste. After applying, now cover your hair with a hot water towel or a shower cap. And wait for 30 minutes. After waiting, comb your hair generally for 3-5 minutes. It will help to strip or relax your hair. After your hair becomes straight, it’s time to wash it. Wash this paste with shampoo, then use a conditioner for the best result.

With these 8 home remedies, it will be easy for you to strip your perm without causing any damage to your hair.

Baking soda

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8 Tips You Should Follow To Get Healthy Hair

There are several tips that you should follow to get healthy hair:

  1. Keep your hair clean: the first thing you have to do to get healthy hair is to always keep your hair clean.
  2. Brush your hair every day: brush your hair every day to keep it healthy. It will help remove the dust from your hair. But always choose wide teeth to brush your hair and brush gently.
  3. After every shampoo, apply conditioner: after every shampoo, try to use a deep conditioning conditioner for your hair.
  4. Choose the right type of shampoo and conditioner: there are many different types of hair people have, like dry, oily, combined, and many more. So, before choosing them for your hair, you must keep in mind your hair type to avoid any harm to your hair.
  5. Take good care of your hair: if you want healthy hair, you must take good care of it. You have to moisturize your hair by applying oils and masks to it twice or three times a week.
  6. Eat a balanced food: most of the hair is made with protein, as we all know. So, to take proper care of our hair, we have to eat food that has more proteins. You have to eat foods like eggs, meat, dairy, seafood, fish, and beans.
  7. Tie your hair before going to sleep: before going to bed, you have to tie your hair because it’s very important to avoid any kind of rubbing. Rubbing your hair can damage the top of your hair and make it dull.
  8. Sleep on a silk pillow: if it is possible, then sleep on a silk pillow. Because silk pillows are so soft, they will be so gentle with your hair.


1. How long does perming last?

A perm can generally last 6 months on your hair. But it can be changed by the way it naturally grows and how you take care of it.

2. How can I perm without any chemical solution?

If you want to perm your hair without using any chemical solution, then you can choose a hair curler. It will also give you the same effect as a chemical perm, but it won’t last long.

3. After a perm, can I get my previous hair shape back?

Yes, you can. Perming may give you natural-looking curls. But it will be lost day by day while your natural hair grows.

Final Thoughts

Getting permed hair has become a trendy style to give you a new appearance. It can give you a beautiful and attractive appearance. But sometimes it may not look as good as you expect. So, people want to strip their perms to get back their previous appearance. To strip a perm, they choose an egg, but applying eggs to a perm is not ideal to remove a strap. Because eggs are rich in protein they can give your hair smoothness and shine, but they can’t break the bond between perm solution and hair.

But if you want to strip your perm naturally, you can choose to use elements like olive oil, coconut oil, cocoa butter, aloe vera, coconut milk, banana, honey, baking soda, and more. You have to apply them until your hair is properly perm-free. After stripping the perm, always take good care of your hair to keep it healthy.

Key Points

  • Perming your hair can transform your appearance into an attractive new one. And it will also last for a very long time on your hair.
  • If you want to strip your perm, then applying egg won’t be an ideal choice for you. It can help you make your hair moist, smooth, silky, and shiny, but it won’t strip your perms.
  • To strip your perm instead of eggs, you can use olive oil, coconut oil, cocoa butter, aloe vera, coconut milk, honey, banana, and baking soda. These will be helpful for stripping your perm.
  • Take good care of your hair to get back your previously healthy, smooth, and shiny looks.

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