Why Does My Eyeshadow Look Muddy : 9 Actual Reasons

Why Does My Eyeshadow Look Muddy
When you use the same brush to pick up and swipe the darker colors, the entire effect is wrecked, resulting in a muddy eyeshadow look.

There are a lot of techniques and ways of applying eyeshadow. But there have been so many problems with the whole blending process that it seems almost impossible to get the look right. And what is the biggest problem with eyeshadow blends? For us, it’s when the shadows look muddy and patchy. The eyeshadows do not blend well and look off-color when mixed with two or more colors. For example, when you mix black and brown, it turns deep brown, and both of those mixed colors are non-existent.

And that is what we call a muddy eyeshadow. This sort of eyeshadow look is fine as long as that’s the look you want as your base. But muddy eyeshadow is a mistake rather than being very weird. Even when you put things on top, it just gives a very bad look. The mixing of colors is worse in both worlds. So why does my eyeshadow look muddy? The main reason why the eyeshadow might look muddy lies in the problem of blending and applying the eyeshadows.

For example, when you apply eyeshadow, it has to be packed onto the lid rather than applied with a swiping or fanning motion. The pigment is first supposed to sit on the lid, and then it is used to blend with another color. And again, when you use the same brush for one color and then again for another, they tend to look muddy in the end. These do not let the pigment pop and make the whole thing a lying mess. Blending an eyeshadow has everything to do with the eyeshadow being muddy.

There have always been so many techniques for blending, and all the latest brushes have been released on the market. But with eyeshadows, there are some key facts about blending. And most beauty gurus are filling us in on their secrets, so we have a better idea of what to do. But before we get started on muddy-looking eyeshadow, the blending and application of eyeshadow are dependent on the person who really does them.

Some people just go with a heavy hand, and that can be a reason for the shadow looking like a muddy mess. For instance, the eyeshadow look has to start with a very light color, then the darker colors will come up, and lastly, there should be glitter at the very top.

What is the muddy eyeshadow look?

What is the muddy eyeshadow look

While applying makeup, the “muddy look” is the most famous term used for decades. For example, the whole thing feels muddy when someone uses a contour or highlighter that is not exactly their skin tone. For example, when someone uses a very dark bronzer or contour and it just doesn’t look real, that is the meaning of the term “muddy.” And then the makeup looks very unreal. But what about the eyeshadows looking muddy?

Well, what is the muddy eyeshadow look? When you blend two different eyeshadow colors, they end up having a completely different tone and are mostly called “muddy eyeshadows.” For example, when you use purple and green, and they turn into something blueish, and both of the shadows lose their original color, the result is a muddy eyeshadow look.

 Mostly, the eyeshadows turn deep brown, ashy, golden, etc. These are some colors that we really do not use in general, and they tend to look bad when you are not technical about them. And that is why the muddy eyeshadow has to be ignored in every way possible by making sure that the colors do not mix and match just with the application process.

Why does my eyeshadow look muddy?

Well, when you are using a regular eyeshadow look every day, there’s less chance the whole collection will get muddy as you’ll mostly lean towards only one or two products. But when you are doing any special makeup, then the main disasters can happen with your eyeshadows, as these are the toughest parts of makeup.

Most people tend to screw up their eyes, which will eventually lead to the muddy eyeshadow look we are talking about. Suppose you want the muddy eyeshadow to be your base. But the shadows aren’t supposed to look muddy but rather seamlessly blended, and here we are, including some of the reasons why my eyeshadow looks muddy.

1. No eye base

No eye base

When you start your eye makeup, the first thing you’ll need is a proper eye base. For an eye base, the best product would be the eye primer. And if you don’t have that, then your concealer is the next best thing. The concealer and eye makeup will even out the skin tone and make sure that the veins and the uneven skin color of the eyes do not interfere with the colors of the eyeshadow.

They will also bring out the proper pigmentation from the shadows. And this is why using a proper eye base is important. In general, you can use a white eyeshadow base. But for more in-depth color, we suggest going for the same color that the main eyeshadow base will be. This will bring out the best possible outcome from the eyeshadows. And if you’re using concealer, go with a lighter one and do not use it a lot.

2. Wrong eye brushes

Wrong eye brushes

Apply the eyeshadows; there are all different types of brushes. To start the eyeshadow base, you should start with a clean, fluffy brush and pick a light color. This will start the initial base. And when you use the same brush to pick up the darker colors and swipe them, the whole thing is ruined. To fix this mistake, start with a fluffy brush at first and then use a packing brush to pick up the main focus and dark colors. If you want a precise line with the eyeshadow, you have to go with a very thin brush. So switching up the brushes and not changing them will end up making the eyeshadow blend unevenly and look muddy.

3. Using the wrong color shadow

Using the wrong color shadow

Next up, you need to think about the eyeshadow colors. Well, most colors will suit almost everyone. But there are some colors that just don’t go with your skin color, and they end up looking like a mess. So when doing makeup, you need to pay attention to the look you are going for and if there is a light or dark alternative to that color. Some of the colors just make the eyes small and don’t complement the eye shape. Pastel colors are a good example of this sort of makeup. So to get the most out of these eyeshadows, you might want to go with the proper color.

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4. Uneven blending

Uneven blending

Well, we’ve been voicing this problem since the very beginning of this article. The eyes looking muddy is the key reason for the uneven blending. Most eyeshadows come in different sorts of colors, and some are more pigmented than others. Those with low pigmentation should be used on the exterior, as they will give a lifting effect to the eyes. Those with spontaneous pigmentation should use a packing motion, so the eyeshadow looks even. Blending doesn’t mean going back and forth with a brush. Blending means you have to make the colors transition.

5. Over blending

Over blending

Well, when you are just starting on your eye makeup journey, the first problem that we hear is that you do not blend enough. But when we talk about blending the eyeshadows, the first thing that comes to mind is the muddy-looking eyeshadows. This sort of problem arises from over-blending. After packing the shadows on the lid, we tend to go overboard, blending every one of the shadows repeatedly. And then you have these muddy-looking eyeshadows.

6. Too much product at once

Too much product at once

When we are over the blending part, let’s go back a little bit and think about how much product we should use as we start packing the pigments. I’ll say start with a very small amount and build the product from there. If you put too much eyeshadow on at once, the whole thing will crumble and be very muddy. So you need to start with a minimal product and then go with other ones in a very small amount.

7. Bad color combination

Bad color combination
Bad color combination

As we mentioned, you need to think about your skin tone while applying the shadows; as a beginner, you also need a color story. Most professional artists tend to create eyeshadow looks with any possible color. But for a beginner, there are some things to maintain. For example, if you choose two complementary colors, there’s a low possibility that they will end up looking muddy.

8. Setting the eyes with a setting powder

Setting The Eyes With A Setting Powder

When you are done with the base, you should first set the eyelid with a light dusting of powder. When you use a setting powder, the effect of the concealer will not pop, and when the eyes are set with a pigmented setting powder, the eyeshadow on top will not sit right. And that is why, mostly, the eyes will start to look clumpy and muddy. Loose, translucent powder is the key to setting the eye primer.

9. Glitter as a base

Glitter as a base

We all love how the glitter looks on top of the lids. But when there are shimmery eyeshadows all over the lid, the whole thing starts to look like a very uneven mess, and the textures of the eyes will begin to pop. Glitters are only pretty when they are at the top of the base, not entirely on the lid. So keep the shimmery eyeshadows for a letter use.

How do you fix the muddy eyeshadow look?

Here we’ll be including some of the ways to fix the muddy eyeshadow looks:

  • Start with a base: eye bases and eye primers will get the best results from the pigmentation, and when you use the base, it will hold on to the glitter and the shadows properly on the lid. And that is why using a white or colored base is a must.
  • Start with a small amount, and for the next part, use a small amount of eyeshadow at first. Start with the lightest shade and build up. Instead of swiping the shades, pack them into the lid.
  • Application of black eyeshadow: for the black eyeshadow, try to pack the well. Do not use the wind-shaded motion with black shadows. They will give up and just mess up.
  • Use different brushes: If you think that you always end up making a mess, then think about changing your tools. Different brushes, like angled or flat ones, are perfect for applying shadows to the lid.
  • Do the eyes first: Start with the eye makeup first, as it’ll be easy to fix, and you can just clean up the problems at once without moving your base.


1. Why does my eyeshadow always look bad?

Well, the main reason why your eyeshadow always looks bad is that you either don’t blend the shadows well or you just over blend the shadows.

2. Why does my eyeshadow crease?

The eyeshadows tend to crease when you don’t use a proper eye base, and this is why using an eye primer is a must before applying eyeshadows.

3. How do you blend eyeshadow?

To blend the eyeshadows, use different brushes for different colors and start packing them. And then, take a clean brush and only blend the edges and harsh lines.

4. Why does dark eyeshadow look bad on me?

When you do not use an eye base, the dark eyeshadows do not pop. So use a concealer or primer to get the best results.

Final Thoughts

So why does my eyeshadow look muddy? Well, when you just start blending the shadow instead of placing the pigment first, two or more colors tend to collide, and in the end, the eyeshadows look muddy. And this is a very common reason why the eyeshadow does not look good. Even for fixing the whole thing, you need to take care of your eyeshadows, which is very time-consuming, and in the end, most people just give up in the process.

And this is why, when you start from the very beginning, ensure that you start with a small amount and build the shadows on as you go. And that is the best way of preventing the whole muddy look from the eyeshadows. Just be very patient and willing to finish the look, and if there’s a mistake, use a Q-tip and micellar water to clean it up.

Key Points

  1. The major cause of muddy eyeshadow is difficulty with mixing and applying the eyeshadows.
  2. The effect of both shadows losing their original hue is a muddy eyeshadow appearance. Generally, the eyeshadows get deep brown, ashy, golden, and so on.
  3. When you use the same brush to pick up and swipe the darker colors, the entire effect is wrecked, resulting in a muddy shadow look.
  4. Begin with the lightest shade and then work your way up. To avoid a muddy eyeshadow effect, pack the colors into the lid rather than swiping them on.

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