Does Peeling Skin Remove Tan?

Does Peeling Skin Remove Tan
The conflict about can peel skin removes tan is that some claim it can remove skin tanning, while others dispute this, but it depends on the peel you are getting.

Tanning is one of the things that people do to get a darker skin tone. There are many ways that people can get a tan, from sun tanning to getting a spray tan. There are many options to choose from to help you get the desired tan that you are looking for. But the thing that people often worry about with their tan is the peeling that happens afterward. Most people worry that the peeling might remove the tan that they worked so hard to get!

So does peeling skin remove tan? The answer is both yes and no! Yes, peeling skin can remove the tan but it will not completely remove the tan from your skin. This is mainly to do with the type of tanning that you get on your skin and the reaction that causes the tan to start peeling. So let’s look at all things tan and peeling skin and figure out if it will remove the tan from your skin or not!

Tanning and Peeling Skin

Tanning and peeling skin

Tanning, particularly sun tanning, is a result of UV rays from the sun and reaction that it has with the skin cells. There is a specific cell in the body known as the melanocyte which is able to absorb UVB rays from the sun. This promotes the skin to form a dark pigment known as melanin, which helps to darken the skin on your body and what you come to know as tanning.

The problem that a sun tan possess on your skin is that it can be damaging to the skin. A certain amount of UV ray absorption causes the skin to darken but when you tan for extended periods your skin is likely going to produce a sunburn. This is when the first layer of the skin gets excessively burned causing the skin to feel like it’s burning when it is touched. This area of the skin feels itchy and can start to peel away at the skin.

Now, this sunburn often dries up and causes the skin to start peeling. This peeling skin is the dead skin cells on the top layer of the skin that is damaged beyond repair. Underneath the peeling skin, new skin is being formed so the old skin is being shed. This peeling skin can contain some parts of the tan on your skin and when you remove it, it will take away some of the tan but not all of it! Think of it your tan becomes lighter as you remove the peeling skin.

The same thing does not happen with self-tanners like tanning lotion or spray tanning. This is because you are able to tan without the harmful UV rays affecting your skin. So you might not face peeling skin quite like sun tan but there is a possibility of your tanned skin becoming dry. This might cause the peeling of the skin which can again cause your tan to become a lighter color but not completely remove it. And your skin naturally sheds skin which you might not notice, which is why the tan becomes lighter as time goes on.

So in truth, it peeling skin, whether is from dry skin or a sunburn, will only take away a part of the tan, not the full tan! However, if you desired a deep tan on your skin, peeling skin from your body will most likely lighten the tan and cause patchiness of the tan. This will make your skin have an uneven tan which does not look good on your skin!

Is Peeling Skin Safe for Tan?

Is peeling skin safe for tan

We already know that peeling means shedding the first layer of your skin. So, getting peeled safely is very important. If the peeling process doesn’t go well, it can cause dangerous harm to your skin.

Peeling skin is part of the natural healing process of your body. The skin is basically preparing itself to form new skin cells and get rid of the old dead skin from your body. So peeling skin is pretty much safe! But, there is a catch. Peeling skin is a natural body reaction and so you should avoid peeling it on your own. If you were to peel it on your own, what might happen is that you take away parts of the healthy skin!

The best thing that you can do is leave the peeling skin alone and let it naturally fall off your body. That way, you are keeping both your skin safe and your tan safe as well. This extra bit of skin is going to take away a part of your tan but it is safe to have some peeling of the skin. Your body will also naturally shed skin as time goes on so your tan will fade away with time. That is why most tans last around 7 to 10 days at most because your skin is naturally peeling all the time! But if you try to remove it forcefully, you might damage the healthy skin on your body and potentially ruin the tan along with it! That is why you should not pick at your peeling skin even if you have a tan to let it naturally fall and let your tan naturally fade to a lighter tone.

Avoid Peeling While Tanning: 7 Helpful Tips

Now, you might be wondering how to avoid peeling skin while you are tanning. Whatever way that you tan, whether by sun tanning or self-tanner, you might end up with peeling skin. This is mainly due to the drying nature of tanning, where the becomes drier and causes the skin to peel. Regardless, here are some of my tips that can help you avoid peeling skin while tanning!

Avoid peeling while tanning 7 helpful tips

Use Sunscreen

It’s always suggested that before going out in the sun use sunscreen. Because it can damage your skin the most. If you want to get tanned but not burned, then use a high-quality SPF 30+. Now what you might have is a lighter tan due to sunscreen blocking out most of the UV rays from the sun but at least you will be safe from the peeling skin!

Exfoliate Your Skin

To avoid peeling while tanning, exfoliating your skin also helps. If you exfoliate your skin before tanning, then your skin will lose all of its dead cells. So, while there won’t be any dead cells to damage, there won’t be any risk of getting peeled skin. Exfoliate your skin at least 24 hours before getting tanned, because exfoliating too soon can cause sensitive skin issues.

Moisturize Your Skin

Keeping your skin moisturized while tanning is very helpful to avoid peeling skin while tanning. This is a must for when you are sun tanning to prevent your skin from drying up. Most self-tanners have a moisturizing effect on your skin but not all of them do so pair it up with a moisturizer to help keep your tanned skin from becoming dry and prevent it from starting to peel!

Avoid Peak Hours

Peak hours are when the sun is at its highest where the radiation is also at its highest. This is usually between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., it’s the peak time of the sun. So if you can avoid tanning during these periods, you can keep your skin from becoming sunburned while tanning!

Use Fake Tanner

As I said before, you can get a fake tan instead of a natural tan because sun tanning has a high risk of peeled skin, whereas fake tanners are safer. Fake tanners also help to hydrate and nourish our skin because of their hydrating and nourishing ingredients. So with fake tanners, you can get a healthy tan on your skin without peeling.

Hydrate Yourself

While tanning, you have to keep yourself hydrated. Hydrate your skin to keep it from peeling in the sun. So, drink plenty of water while tanning. Also, after getting tanned, drink at least 8 glasses or more if you keep yourself out more.

Monitor Your Skin

Keep an eye on your skin while getting tanned. If you find any kind of redness, sunburn, pain, or irritation, then you must take a break from your tanning. First, allow your skin to heal from these problems, then start tanning again.

7 Safe Alternative Methods to Remove Tan

Now if you don’t like the tan on your body because of the peeling skin causing patchy or streaky tan, you can always opt to remove it. There are very harmful ways that you can remove it but there are also safer alternative methods to remove tan from your skin. So here are some home remedies that you can try out to help remove the tan from your body.

Safe alternative methods to remove tan
  1. Lemon Juice: Lemons are pretty well known for their natural bleaching properties. You just have to apply the fresh juice from the lemon to your affected areas and leave it for 10–15 minutes. After that, rinse it with just chilled water. Repeat this process for a week. You can see the results in those areas. Note that its bleaching properties can make your skin way more sensitive. So, it’s safer to use it at night than during the day.
  2. Turmeric and Yogurt Mask: First, make a paste of yogurt and turmeric. Then apply it to your skin-tanned area, wait for 20 minutes, and then rinse it. The yogurt helps to smooth and hydrate your skin, while the turmeric helps to lighten your skin more than before.
  3. Honey and Papaya Mask: Take a ripe papaya and blend it. Then mix it with honey and papaya and apply it. Rinse after 15–20 minutes. The enzymes in papaya help to lighten your skin and remove the tan effect.
  4. Cucumber and Tomato Mask: Grate a cucumber and mix it with tomato juice. Apply the mixture to your skin, keep it on for almost half an hour, and rinse it. After rinsing it, the cucumber will help soothe sunburned skin, whereas the antioxidants in tomatoes will help brighten your skin.
  5. Milk and Almond Scrub: Take the almond powder and mix it with water. Then take the paste and scrub it on the areas where you got tanned. Give it a circular scrub for a few minutes, and then rinse it. This scrub works as an exfoliator and removes all the dead cells from your skin. In this way, it gradually helps you remove the tan.
  6. Oatmeal and Buttermilk Scrub: To create a scrub, mix the buttermilk and oatmeal. Then apply it and massage it gently. After a few minutes of scrubbing, rinse it. This will help exfoliate your skin and reduce the tanning effect gradually.
  7. Aloe Vera Gel: Aloe vera gels are pretty well-known as skincare products due to their soothing and hydrating properties. It can help get rid of peeling skin while not harming you in the process and helps to gently remove the tan from your skin.

These alternative natural remedies can take some time to give you results, but the good part of using them is that they don’t have any side effects. Remember that if you have a sensitive skin issue, do a patch test first before using it.

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1. Does your skin return to normal after peeling?

After getting peeled, your skin can be red and itchy, but it will go back to normal after some time. Sometimes it can take several days. But remember, your skin may look normal, but there is still a chance of getting harmed by the sun’s UV rays. So, always wear sunscreen before going in the sun.

2. Can peeling sunburn result in scarring?

Yes, peeling sunburn can result in scarring. The deep peeling is the reason behind this. So, before starting your peeling, prepare your healthy skin for peeling and get peeled by a peeling specialist.

3. Can chemical peels remove tan?

Yes, chemical peels will remove the tan as it works on deeper layers of the skin to help exfoliate the tan from your skin.

4. How often can you repeat a chemical peeling session?

The frequency of your chemical peels is entirely dependent on the type of chemical peel you are getting. You can repeat your treatment for superficial, or surface layer, peels once a month. Deep peels, on the other hand, necessitate additional healing time for your skin and should be performed only once every two to three years.

Final Thoughts

Tanning is a wonderful way to get a darker tone on your skin but there are risks associated with it because of how the tan affects your skin. That is why it is important to know that peeling skin is a natural reaction to tanning and can lighten your tan if you forcibly remove it. Peeling skin is safe for your skin but to avoid damage on your tan and skin, you should let it naturally fall so that your tan gradually fades away. If you don’t like how your tan looks because of the peeling skin, you can always try some home remedies I have mentioned to remove it as safely as possible without harming your skin. Regardless, know that peeling skin only partially removes the tan and not fully. Your skin will naturally remove the tan as time passes.

Key Points

  • Peeling skin is a natural thing that happens when your skin cells get very badly damaged and your body starts growing new cells.
  • Peeling skin is safe for both your skin and tan as your body is making healthier skin underneath the peeling. But don’t try to forcibly remove it.
  • You can avoid peeling skin while you are tanning with 7 helpful tips such as using sunscreen and moisturizer to help keep your skin damage free.
  • If you don’t like how your skin looks because of peeling skin, you can always opt to remove it using safe homemade remedies.

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