Does Perfume Freeze?

Perfumes do not freeze under cold temperatures! It freezes between -90 to -130°F while the average temperature of the freezer is at or a little less than 0°F.

Getting eyelash extensions to make yourself look more attractive and change your facial appearance has become a popular trend.
While getting eyelashes, always try to consult with an experienced and certified technician to get perfectly smooth, finished eyelash extensions. Otherwise, you can get serious eye problems like styes.
To get rid of problems like styes with eyelash extensions, you have to maintain proper hygiene, use warm compresses, and avoid touching or putting makeup on styes.
To avoid this kind of problem from happening, try to take proper care and follow the aftercare routine to get healthy eyelash extensions.

The cosmetics industry utilizes perfumes to mask any unfavorable odors that might be present in the chemicals or herbs they use to formulate cosmetics. But, there is a unique product, perfume which is used to add flair or a sense of luxury and personality. Since perfume is intended to make people more attractive, you may consider it as a cosmetic product. Perfumes don’t only smell good throughout the day, but it also makes you feel confident.

Perfume has other names like parfum, fragrance scent, musk, essence, etc. It typically contains a mixture of alcohol, water, and various aromatic compounds. It is volatile and liquid at room temperature. Again, there are several ways to store your perfume if you want it to stay fresh. Temperature is an important factor for perfume. But when the question of freezing comes, it holds a different effect. So, Does Perfume Freeze? No, perfume does not freeze under normal circumstances and they are particularly resistant to freezing, but that is the case for only some perfume types and not all! To help understand why that is the case, I will talk about all things related to perfume freezing right here!

What Affects Perfume?

What affects perfume

Temperature is directly related to perfume. Fragrances are volatile substances, even minute variations in their chemical makeup produce distinct scents. The factor which affects perfume negatively is heat, which can destroy the chemical composition of fragrances. Extreme variation in temperature disrupts the delicate equilibrium of a perfume. The top notes of the perfume will prematurely evaporate when exposed to sunlight, heat, and UV rays. Over time, you may also notice a darkening, some cloudiness, and even an excessive oiliness of the perfume. However, cold weather is not so favorable for perfume.

The temperature at which a substance transforms from a solid to a liquid is known as its melting point. If it’s below freezing outside, your perfume may not be frozen in your mailbox. The most popular foundation for scents, alcohol, is unlikely to completely freeze. Below the freezing point of water, at about 16°F (-9°C), oil-based scents often freeze. However, oil normally doesn’t undergo irreversible changes when it is frozen. Bring your oil-based perfume inside and let it thaw at room temperature if it has frozen. If you see layers separating, gently shake or spin the perfume bottle to blend them again.

Does Perfume Freeze: 3 Reasons Behind it

Perfumes do not freeze under normal cold temperature conditions. It freezes in between temperatures ranging from -90 to -130°F (-68 to -90°C). On the other hand, the average temperature of the freezer is at or a little less than 0°F (-18°C). So, the answer to the question, “Does Perfume Freeze” is no. Perfumes usually don’t freeze because they contain a high volume of alcohol. They won’t freeze even if it is taken to the coldest region of the earth. But things will be different for oil or water-based perfumes. Let’s look into 3 reasons behind this. They are elaborately discussed.

1. Ingredients

The freezing point of a liquid depends on its composition, particularly the presence of water and alcohol. Perfumes usually contain alcohol in large quantities. It has 90% alcohol by volume. Again, the freezing point of alcohol is also low based on concentration, it is less than 32°F (0°C). The concentration of water and other ingredients is lower. As a result, perfumes don’t freeze even if they are brought into a cold night or freezer.

While there are oil or water-based perfumes, or perfumes with a higher concentration of fragrance oils that do not contain alcohol. If these kinds of perfumes are brought into cold night or freezer, they can freeze.

Therefore, since perfumes usually contain a significant amount of alcohol, they can resist relatively low temperatures without freezing.


2. Weather

Although perfumes do not freeze in general, cold weather plays a role in preserving perfumes. In cold weather, perfumes remain fresh and cool. But it won’t freeze even in cold weather because of having a high capacity to intake cold. It contains alcohol and alcohol has a lower freezing point than water.

The perfume will stay in liquid form in cold weather. But, if the temperature drops significantly below freezing, there is a possibility that the water content in the perfume may freeze, leading to changes in the texture and potential separation of ingredients.

So, if you live in cold weather, the perfume will be more long-lasting in winter compared to summer because the colder temperatures do not let the essential oils evaporate, which are the main components of the scent present in the perfume.


3. Storing

Storing perfume in the fridge may help to preserve its fragrance for a longer period, but it is unlikely to make the perfume more effective. Extreme temperatures can alter the chemical composition of the perfume and affect its scent. It is generally recommended to store perfume in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and heat sources. A fridge won’t freeze your perfume.

Again, people in cold countries wonder whether perfume freezes in the car or not. In reality, it won’t freeze the perfume as the natural temperature is not low enough to make it freeze. As the car moves, the perfume also shakes which might affect the fragrance of the perfume.

So, neither storing perfume in a fridge nor in a car can let the perfume freeze.


Freezing of Perfume: Positive or Negative Effects

Freezing of perfume positive or negative effects

Even if the perfume freezes, fragrances normally stay authentic and fresh for a long time. So, freezing doesn’t have any effect on the long-lastingness of a perfume. But since perfumes can freeze sometimes, you need to consider whether it has positive or negative effects. When the perfume freezes, the extremely cold temperature can cause certain chemical reactions and physical changes that in turn change a lot of things.

  • Fragrance: Freezing can cause the aromatic compounds in perfume to break down or separate, resulting in changes to the fragrance. As the temperature falls, the fragrance of some perfumes can badly get damaged and provide you unpleasant smell. It can become weaker, distorted, and overly subtle.
  • Texture and Appearance: The freezing process can lead to the separation of the perfume’s ingredients, causing the formation of solids or sediment. This can affect the texture and appearance of the perfume, making it cloudy or lumpy.
  • Lastingness of Fragrance: It can affect the stability and longevity of the fragrance of the perfume. If you feel that your perfume is losing its long-lastingness than usual, it may also be because of the qualities of the perfume.
  • Perfume Bottle: The expansion of liquid as it freezes can potentially cause the perfume bottle to crack or break. This can result in leakage and damage to the packaging.

Perfumes are composed of volatile aromatic compounds, solvents, and fixatives, all these components are carefully balanced to create the desired fragrance. But freezing perfume can negatively affect the quality, fragrance, texture, appearance, and lastingness of the perfume.

Storing Perfume in Different Places

You may store perfume in different places in your day-to-day life in the following ways.

Storing perfume in different places
  • Fridge: Cold temperatures have a positive effect on perfumes, unlike heat. If you don’t want to use your perfume right now, you can store it in the fridge. It is because, for cooler storage, perfumes will be more long-lasting. To keep the perfumes fresh, preferences should be kept in a cool, dark environment that is shielded from sunlight and UV rays. The scent will stay fresh even during the hottest months thanks to the refrigerator’s superb temperature management. This stops the composition of the fragrances from being destroyed by heat, UV light, and temperature variations.
  • Bathroom: Even though the toilet is not a good place to store perfume, it still needs to be stored in the toilet. Humidity in the bathroom can break down the ingredients of the perfume. Since hot water disperses through the bathroom while the shower is turned on, it negatively impacts the perfume. So, storing perfume in a bathroom will be effective only when a separate cabinet or side is away from steam.
  • Bedroom: Your bedroom is another good place to store perfume, as it is usually a cool, dark place. However, avoid storing your perfume in direct sunlight, as this can also cause it to evaporate and lose its potency.
  • Drawer: If you have a drawer in your dresser or nightstand that is dedicated to storing perfumes, this is a great option. Just make sure that the drawer is kept closed when you are not using it, to help keep the perfume out of the light and air.
  • Cupboard: A cupboard is another good place to store perfume, as it is usually a cool, dark place. However, avoid storing your perfume in a cupboard that is located near a stove or oven, as the heat from these appliances can cause the perfume to evaporate and lose its potency.
  • Car: It is one of the best places to store perfume although it won’t freeze. Keeping perfumes inside the car won’t give it protection against heat since the melting point of perfume is too less. The bottle of perfume may break down too. But still, you may keep it in the glove compartment where it is protected from sunlight.

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Additional Tips for Storing Perfume

While you can store perfume in different places easily, here are some additional tips you should when it comes to storing your perfume.

  1. Always put the perfume cap sealed after use.
  2. Keep the perfume in a dark and cool place to retain the original smell.
  3. Keep it in a dry place as the chemical of the perfume can react with water. 
  4. Keep it in a place where the temperature is maintained, it remains constant and cool.
  5. Do not shake the perfume bottle since it can create bubbles and oxidation occurs as a result.
  6. Check on the perfume regularly for signs of degradation, such as a change in color or scent.


1. What temperature damages perfume?

If you keep the perfume over 90°F, aldehydes will disappear very quickly. Keep your perfume below 65°F to prevent this from happening soon. When you keep the perfume at this temperature, it will still have the unique qualities present when you first purchased it.

2. What ruins perfume?

A fragrance will be destroyed by water. A perfume’s chemical composition is impacted by humidity, which can result in undesirable chemical reactions. If you’re in a humid climate, it may be difficult to avoid this. So, you need to be extra careful about this.

3. Does perfume get weaker?

For instance, a bottle that has been opened for too long may begin to fade its fragrance. A perfume’s original fragrance deterioration is the first indication that it has outlived its usefulness. This could appear intrusive, like a wine with vinegar, or only weaker than its original components.

4. Is perfume stronger on clothes or skin?

The type of fragrance and personal preference influence the application method. While certain perfumes act better on clothing, some act better on the skin. For instance, perfumes with a high alcohol content should be applied directly to the skin because they tend to evaporate quickly.

5. Does Vaseline make a perfume last longer?

The evaporation of the perfume oils is slowed down by binding with Vaseline oil, making the fragrance stay longer. It also means that as you are preventing the spread of your fragrance, it will feel weaker.

Final Thoughts

Perfumes become exposed to both hot and cold temperatures while sooner or later it comes back to room temperature.

Since perfumes usually contain a significant amount of alcohol, about 90% by volume, they can resist relatively low temperatures without freezing. So, perfume does not freeze. Even if you live in cold countries, there is no chance for your perfume to get affected. But oil or water-based perfumes, or perfumes with a higher concentration of fragrance oils can freeze. Also, for a gradual drop in temperature, perfumes start to freeze.

I do not recommend freezing perfume, as it can alter the fragrance and potentially damage the delicate balance of its ingredients. It will be better to store perfume at room temperature, away from direct sunlight and excessive heat or cold. There are different places where you may store your perfume.

Key Points

  • The factor which affects perfume negatively is heat, which can destroy the chemical composition of fragrances.
  • For containing a significant amount of alcohol, perfumes can resist relatively low temperatures and do not freeze while oil or water-based perfumes, or perfumes with a higher concentration of fragrance oils can freeze.
  • Neither storing perfume in a fridge nor in a car can let the perfume freeze.
  • Even if the perfume freezes, fragrances normally stay authentic and fresh for a long time but since perfumes can freeze sometimes, it can negatively affect the quality, fragrance, texture, appearance, and lastingness of the perfume.
  • You may store perfume in the fridge, bathroom, bedroom, drawer, cupboard, car, etc.

✨ Next Attraction: How to Get Rid of a Stye With Eyelash Extensions?


How to Get Rid of a Stye With Eyelash Extensions?

To get rid of a stye with eyelash extensions, try to follow the aftercare routine and try to avoid things that can give bacteria a favorable environment to develop.

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