How To Get Rid of Crepey Skin Under Eyes?

How to get rid of crepey skin under eyes
Crepey skin can occur for various reasons like age, genetics, sun damage, etc. To get rid of it you will need some medical treatments along with at-home remedies.

When you are in your mid-20s or 30s, your skin will start to lose its elasticity, and with age, the collagen and elasticity will continue to decline. That’s when the crepey skin appears or becomes more visible under your eyes since the skin under your eyes is thinner than the rest of the face. Collagen and elastin are two important proteins that help your skin to be firm and flexible. As the elastin fiber of your skin is broken, and the collagen is reduced, the under eyes become overly thin and wrinkled, and start to look like a crepe paper.

So how to get rid of crepey skin under eyes? Although it is a natural process, no one wants to have crepey skin under the eyes since it makes people much older to look at. In this article, I will briefly share the reasons behind having premature crepey skin and explain the ways you can get rid of it.

8 Causes of Crepey Skin Under-Eyes

As you already know the reduction of collagen and elasticity is the main cause of having crepey skin under the eyes. There are several reasons that are responsible for the reduction of collagen in your skin and premature creepiness. I have explained them here to help you in preventing crepey skin.

Causes of crepey skin under-eyes
Causes of crepey skin under-eyes
  1. Sun damage: UV radiance is possibly the worst thing you can absorb in your skin. UV exposure or sun damage can accelerate the process of thinning your skin and aging it. Your skin will be more sensitive day by day. As the skin under your eyes is already thinner, the crepey skin will appear faster in that area. You should avoid tanning beds and must use a UV protector or sunscreen before going out every single day.
  2. Lack of sleep: A good night’s sleep is inevitable if you want to have healthy under-eyes. Our body requires enough sleep to restore the cells using all the necessary nutrition. If your crepey eyes are the cause of sleep deprivation, you can see the creepiness with a dark circle and fine lines.
  3. Lack of nutrition: Lack of nutrition can be another reason for getting crepey eyes. If your body can not process enough nutrition, it can affect your health, skin, and collagen production. Check if your body is lacking any nutrition. Consult your doctor for additional supplements.
  4. Smoking: Smoking is another factor that helps the reduction of your skin collagen and contributes to premature aging. Regular smoking will worsen the skin’s appearance and complexion as well. It will fasten the process of having crepey skin under the eyes.
  5. Rapid weight loss: Losing weight will require some time. If you want to do it rapidly without taking proper measurements, it can affect your health as well as your skin. Once the skin is spread, it can not go back to firm instantly. That’s when the skin will loosen up and create crepey skin.
  6. Skin inflammation: If your skin is inflamed due to an allergic reaction or infection like periorbital edema, the skin around the eyes will swallow and a fluid buildup will appear around your eyes. This can be another cause for your skin to become crepey.
  7. Certain medications: Among so many medications used on your skin, some of them can be extremely sensitive and only used to spot treat for a short time. These medicines will make your skin thin and help the process of having crepey skin under the eyes.
  8. Genetics and Ageing: These are the most common factor responsible for making your skin under the eyes crepey. With age, our skin becomes dry and produces less oil and collagen which makes our skin loose. But for some people, the skin under the eyes can be more thick or thin which is mainly based on their genetics. Thin-skinned people can get crepey under-eyes sooner than people with thick skin.

If you are careful of the reasons that cause crepey skin, you can prevent them to occur in the first place to a great extent.

How to Get Rid of Crepey Skin Under Eyes?

The crepey skin under the eyes might not improve overnight, but with a few techniques, you can improve the appearance of the crepey skin under the eyes. To do so, there are several at-home treatments and medical treatments as well. I will explain them briefly here. Take some time to read it thoroughly to better understand which one you should go with.

At-Home Treatments to Get Rid of Crepey Eyes

Cold compression

Cold compression cannot help with your thin skin, but it can help to improve the appearance of your crepey skin. You can only use ice for this, but for better results try using cold cucumber, tomato, or potato paste and leave them in the eyes for 10-15 minutes. You can also take black tea or green tea bag after using keep the bag in the fridge. Then keep the cold tea bags on your eyes for 10 minutes every day.

Cold compression
Cold compression


Always moisturize under the eyes with an eye cream. If that has hyaluronic acid, Vitamin E, C, or peptides as the main compound, it will be better.  Hydration is a must to keep crepiness out of your skin. Hydrated skin will maintain elasticity for a longer time keeping your skin plump. Also, drink a lot of water for additional drying out of your skin, although only water cannot repair your crepey skin.


Retinoid Solutions

Retinoids can be considered the most effective skincare solution for treating your crepey skin under the eyes.  You can use moisturizer or serum based on retinoids. Retinoid is a vitamin A derivative that helps to produce collagen in the skin and improve its elasticity. Retinoids can stimulate your skin cells and reduce the signs of aging and wrinkles. You can use a retinol serum on your skincare every day after taking a consultation with your doctor.

Retinoid Solutions
Retinoid Solutions

Oil Application

Oil is best for locking up the hydration of your skin. Although sometimes oil can lead to a breakout since it clogs the pore, you can always take a small amount of oil and apply that under your eyes. Under eyes are normally not acne prone, so you can use oil in that area after moisturization without any worries.

Oil Application
Oil Application


After applying oil, you can massage your eye areas gently. Take your index and middle finger and massage them around your eyes in a circular motion. After that, massage from under your eyes towards the outer corner. Do each message regularly at least 15 times. Do it slowly and don’t push your fingers in your face with force.



Exfoliate your skin with a physical or chemical exfoliator which is more on a gentle side. Use cleansers, scrubs, or toners which can remove the dead cells and exfoliate the skin. It will help to turn over the cells and build up new skin which can help to get rid of the crepey skin under the eyes.


Balanced and Nutritious Diet

You should always have a balanced diet that can provide enough nutrition to your body and skin.  Eat food enriched with omega 3 like fish, eggs, nuts and seeds, and plant oils. Also, try to eat food that is full of antioxidants. for example, you can add all types of berries, and green leafy vegetables to your diet. You can also consult your doctor to see if your body is lacking any nutrition and take the necessary supplements for that.

Balanced and nutritious diet
Balanced and nutritious diet

If you can do these steps every day in your skincare routine, you can see a visible improvement in your crepey skin.

Medical Treatments to Get Rid of Crepey Eyes

Medical treatments to get rid of crepey eyes
Medical treatments to get rid of crepey eyes
  • Dermal Fillers: Fillers are normally injected in the areas of skin which you want to make smooth and plump. The main function of fillers is to restore the volume of the skin by reducing wrinkles and Crepey skin. There are some fillers that are made of hyaluronic acid. These fillers can improve collagen production under the skin.
  • Chemical peels: Chemical peels exfoliate the surface area and remove the damaged outer layer of your skin by using some natural acids like lactic acid and glycolic acid. You can have a better skin texture after the peeling process is done completely. Your skin can be extremely sensitive to UV exposure after a chemical peel, so do not miss your sunscreen even for a day.
  • Microneedling: Microneedling is a process where your skin will be rolled over by very thin needles to resurface the top layer of your skin. This procedure also improves the texture of your skin since the micro damage from the needle, stimulates the healing process by producing collagen and elastin.
  • Light Eyes Ultra: Light Eyes Ultra is a specially formulated treatment for delicate eye areas. It is a kind of mesotherapy that injects hydration into the eye areas to make it smooth and plump. It is very effective in removing wrinkles and crepey skin under the eyes. The formulation of this therapy is infused with hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, antioxidants, and botanical extracts which help with elasticity, dark circles, puffiness, and microcirculation.
  • Sofwave: Sofwave is a high-frequency ultrasound technology that makes micro-injuries in your skin just like microneedling which stimulates collagen production, and repairs and tightens the skin. It is an FDA-approved and non-surgical treatment that can go even to your lash line and you can get rid of the crepey and sagging skin under your eyes.

Before going for any chemical treatments or medical procedures, consult with your dermatologist first.

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1. Is crepey skin permanent?

Crepey skin is a natural aging process of your skin. As you age, your entire skin will start to be crepey. But if you are having crepey skin at an early age, you can go with many procedures to get rid of it since there are so many treatments and procedures available there right now. You can get rid of crepiness overnight, but you can definitely see an improvement day by day.

2. Can I get rid of crepey skin naturally?

No! crepey skin will not go away naturally if you do not take any measurements, but with the available treatments out there, you can easily get rid of them. For children or young people, it will be much easier to get rid of than for older people since they have the least chance of collagen production.

3. How can I prevent my skin to form crepey skin?

You can prevent your skin from forming crepey skin by protecting it from sun damage, avoiding alcohol consumption and smoking, having a balanced diet, and adequate sleep. These things will help you to prevent your skin from premature crepiness.

Final thoughts

Crepey skin can form in any area of your skin due to various reasons, but crepey skin under the eyes can make you look much older than the other areas. Fortunately, there are various ways and steps which can help with this tricky problem. To get rid of the crepey skin under the eyes you can go with both home remedies and medical procedures. You can start with the home remedies like applying hydrating eye cream, retinol, massage, and eating a healthy diet. If your crepey skin is not improved then go with the medical treatments to get your desired healthy-looking, smooth under-eyes.

Key Points

  • Crepey skin occurs when your skin loses collagen and elasticity.
  • Genetics and age are the most common reason to form crepey under the eyes.
  • Other factors like sun damage, lack of sleep and nutrition, smoking, and drinking also accelerate the process.
  • There are a lot of medical treatments out there to treat your skin from crepiness like derma fillers, Light Eye Ultra, Sofwaves, etc.
  • You can also do an in-home treatment with proper skin care, like a hydrating moisturizer, retinol serums, oil application, and massage to get rid of your crepey skin.

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